From download to conversion with a TikTok strategy.

Vana TikTok Brand-Logo-128x128
+54 %
App Downloads
+28 %
-19 %
CPA vs Brand Benchmark


Vana, a financial platform focused on providing loans to underbanked individuals in Guatemala and a pioneer in microloans in Central America, aimed to increase app installations and drive key business events, such as loan applications and disbursements.

The goal was to achieve these results through an effective digital marketing strategy that connected with men and women over 18 years old. Additionally, the campaign sought to directly impact conversions while reducing acquisition costs.


Vana launched a comprehensive campaign on TikTok using In-Feed Ads to capture the attention of its target audience. The campaign made it possible to monitor results and seek optimizations to achieve the brand's business objectives.

Moreover, the ad creatives were designed to inform and entertain, fostering greater engagement and meaningful interaction with the app.Based on this data, audience and creative adjustments were made, directly tied to performance objectives, which ultimately resulted in achieving the app download and in-app action targets by the end of the campaign.


Vana's TikTok strategy significantly improved installation metrics, achieving a 54% increase in app downloads and attracting a large number of new users who interacted with the platform. Furthermore, the campaign delivered direct business results, with optimization strategies driving a 28% growth in conversions, specifically in loan disbursements, highlighting the campaign's success in attracting and converting users.

In terms of efficiency, the campaign reduced the cost per acquisition (CPA) by 19%, showcasing TikTok’s effectiveness in generating customers cost-effectively. The platform also stood out with a conversion rate 44% higher than other media channels, solidifying its position as the most effective channel in Vana’s multichannel strategy.

TikTok not only significantly boosted conversions but did so efficiently, demonstrating its role as a key ally for companies seeking to make an impact in the lower funnel stages.