Consumer Electronics and Electric Appliances, Media & Content, Retail & E-commerce, Professional Services, Culture, Sports & Entertainment
Asia-Pacific - Korea
Countries of operations
South Korea
Supported divisions
Asia-Pacific - Korea
Service Package
Net-new Premium, Net-new Standard, Remix Basic, Net-new Hybrid
Languages available for production
Korean, Japanese, Chinese
Languages spoken for advertiser support
Shortscast operated by the NO.1 influencer marketing platform, Mediance, Brand's key messages to the preferences of the target audience and delivers them in a short time. It is a branded short-form content specialist service. The clients persue a full funnel influencer marekting process automatically which gives them easier and one-click solution. Most of clients also eager to invest and discover their brand-friendly & brand-suitable new influencer pool with supportive data. Mediance has offered these 2 factors to our clients via Mediance solution and platform.
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