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Discover API collections
Marketing APIaccordion expand
homepage_accordion_discover_1_sub_1Campaign Management

Create, manage, optimize your campaigns, ad groups, and ads.

homepage_accordion_discover_1_sub_2Creative Assets & Tools

Manage creative assets in batch, take advantage of various creative tools, and view creative performance data.

homepage_accordion_discover_1_sub_3Audience Management

Create, update, and manage audiences to consistently have the most up-to-date audience being targeted.

homepage_accordion_discover_1_sub_4Account Management

Manage ad accounts, users, assets, and finance in Business Center.

homepage_accordion_discover_1_sub_5Data Insights

Run a report on your auction ads and reservation ads data, and customize the data format per your needs.

homepage_accordion_discover_1_sub_6Ad Measurement

Endpoints and tools to measure the effectiveness of your ads.

homepage_accordion_discover_1_sub_7Catalog & TikTok Store

Create and manage catalogs including adding, updating, and removing products; create TikTok Store and manage storefront.

01 / 07
Creator Marketplace APIaccordion expand
Accounts APIaccordion expand
API solutions for you
By use caseaccordion expand
homepage_accordion_solution_1_sub_1Campaign Creation

Create and update your first campaign through APIs.

homepage_accordion_solution_1_sub_2Audience Integration

Understand different audience types and learn how to create and manage audiences.

homepage_accordion_solution_1_sub_3Webhook Subscription

Make subscriptions through webhooks to get real-time updates for leads, ad review status or TikTok Creator Marketplace order.

homepage_accordion_solution_1_sub_4Lead Generation

Generate and obtain leads from lead generation ads.


Create different types of reports in synchronous mode or asynchronous mode.

01 / 05
By verticalaccordion expand
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