Tài nguyên về chính sách quảng cáo
Cách tạo nhóm quảng cáo
Tổng quan về vị trí
Nhắm mục tiêu quảng cáo
Đối tượng
Đối tượng tương tự
Đặt giá thầu và tối ưu hóa
Mức độ phù hợp và an toàn thương hiệu
Loại hình phân phối
The Profile Feed placement shows ads within a profile page. When users visit a profile, after scrolling through several organic videos, ads will appear integrated into the feed.
Profile Feed supports the following objectives:
Video Views
App Installs
Lead Generation
Supported bidding methods include:
CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions)
oCPM (Optimized Cost per Thousand Impressions)
CPC (Cost per Click)
The following types of Profile Pages are not eligible to be included in Profile Feed Ads:
Accounts of creators under 18 years old
Accounts with high Account Risk Scores
Mutual friends/matched friends accounts
Political accounts
Business accounts
Shop accounts
Privacy accounts
State-controlled media accounts
Note: Profile Feed placement is automatically included when selecting TikTok's For You Feed and cannot be opted out through TikTok Ads Manager.
Learn about placements and available locations.