If you want create an ad account on TikTok, you'll need to submit information about your business. Once you submit your account information, TikTok will review your account. Learn more about the account review process.
To view or edit your account information, click the avatar icon in the top right corner and select Account Info from the drop-down menu.
To set up an ad account, you will need:
Company website
Time Zone
Account Name
Contact Name
Email Address
Note: If the URL of your company's website has changed, you can update it on your Account Setup page. Once you update this information, it will trigger a new account review.You may also be required to provide:
Street Address
Postal Code
Business Verification
Note: Take your time to ensure the account information is correct. You won't be able to edit the timezone, region, business name, and currency of your ad account once it's been created.