Create an ad

Index of Bulk Import & Export Template
Last updated: May 2024

To successfully create and edit your ads using the bulk import and export feature, it is essential to understand the difference between the fields on the import template and the ad creation fields TikTok Ads Manager.

This article will explain the differences between the fields on the import template and on TikTok Ads Manager as they related to the Campaign, Ad Group, and Ad levels.

Differences at the Campaign Level


Bulk Import/Export


URL Setting

Options: On, Off

There is no indication or option of the new URL structure on the platform.

Campaign ID

Format: id:Standard numbers E.G. id:1667930209559606

Format: Number

Difference at the Ad Group Level


Bulk Import/Export


Ad Group ID

Format: id:Standard numbers

E.G. id:1667930209559606

Format: Number

Promotion Type

Promotion type of ad groups. Options: Website, App

No need to choose this option

TikTok Pixel ID

Options: Check the Website Pixel List sheet and copy and paste the TikTok Pixel ID you want to use into this column.

E.G. id:6905016788338098177

Select a Pixel on the platform.

Pixel Event

-Options: Check the Website Pixel List sheet and copy and paste the TikTok Pixel Event value you want to use into this column.

-E.G. 148

Select a Pixel event on the platform

App ID

-Options: Check the App Event List sheet and copy and paste the App ID you want to use into this column.v

-E.G. id:6904900754578964482

Select an app on the platform.

Profile Image

-Existing profile photo: If you want to use the existing profile, you can export the information of the target ad and just copy the profile content to upload.

-E.G. ad-site-i18n/20200629: 

-New profile photo: If you want to use a new profile photo, you can upload the photo to asset and fill in the filename of the creative in the import file.

-E.G. bulktest1280x720_8.jpg

Automatically display the profile of the app store or upload a profile image on the platform.

Include audience ID

-Options: Check the Audience List sheet and copy and paste the Audience ID you want to use into this column.

-E.G. id:100176253

Select the audience on the platform.

Exclude audience ID

Options: Check the Audience List sheet and copy and paste the Audience ID you want to use into this column.

-E.G. id:100176245

Select the audience on the platform.


Options: Check the location sheet and copy and paste the Location ID you want to use into this column. Enter multiple values separated by "," (use the English character).

-E.G. 1861060

Select the location on the platform.


-Options: Check the language sheet and copy and paste the Language ID value you want to use into this column.

If you would like to target all system languages, enter "All" in this column. Otherwise, enter multiple values separated by "," (use the English character).

-E.G. ja

Select the languages on the platform.

Interest Category

-Options: Check the interest category sheet and copy and paste the Interest Category ID value you want to use into this column.

Enter multiple values separated by "," (use the English character).

-E.G. 101

Select the interest category on the platform.

Behavior Category

-Options: Check the behavior category sheet and copy and paste the Behavior Category ID you want to use into this column. Enter multiple values separated by "," (use the English character).

-E.G. 21

Select the behavior category on the platform.


-Options: Check the carrier sheet and copy and paste the Carrier ID value you want to use into this column. If you would like to target all carriers, then enter "All" in this column. Otherwise, enter multiple values separated by "," (use the English character).

-E.G. 270

Select the carriers on the platform.

OS Versions

-Options: Check the OS sheet and copy and paste the OS ID value you want to use into this column. If you would like to target all OS versions, enter "All" in this column.

-E.G. 10

Select the OS versions on the platform.

In-App Event

Options: Check the App Event List sheet and copy and paste the In-app Event ID you want to use into this column.

-E.G. 8

Select the event on the platform.

Secondary Goal

-Options: Check the App Event List sheet and copy and paste the Secondary Goal Event you want to use into this column.

-E.G. 14

Select a secondary goal on the platform.

Difference at the Ad Level


Bulk Import/Export



-Format: id:Standard numbers

-E.G. id:1667930209559606


Image Name

-Format: image file names from your Creative asset

Select or upload an image from your creative asset.

Video Name

-Format: video file names from your Creative asset

Select or upload a video from your creative asset.

Playable ID

-Options: Copy and paste the Playable Material link you want to use into this column.


Select a playable material on the platform.

Auto Ad - Image Name

-Format: image file names from your Creative asset. Each image name must be separated with a line break.


Image Name 1

Image Name 2

Image Name 3

Select multiple images on the platform.

Auto Ad - Video Name

-Format: video file names from your Creative asset. Each video name must be separated with a line break.


Video Name 1

Video Name 2

Video Name 3

Select multiple videos on the platform.