Create a campaign

What's the Catalog Sales Objective
Last updated: May 2024

Before getting started: Only available for managed accounts based in launched markets can create Dynamic Showcase Ads. For more information, please contact your sales representative.

Catalog Sales is a type of campaign that allows you to show ads featuring specific products to people who have expressed interested in them on your app or website. Dynamic Showcase Ads (under the Catalog Sales objective) are a great solution for anyone who has a large numbers products and wants to deliver personalized ads to their prospective customers.

What's the Catalog Sales Objective-image

To create Dynamic Showcase Ads just upload your product catalog to TikTok Ads Manager, setup your event sources, and create a campaign. Once you do this, TikTok will automatically generate ads featuring the products in your catalog with up-to-date pricing and availability - for as long as you want. It's a great solution for anyone looking to showcase their products on TikTok.

Supported Scenarios

Note: Please continue to check back as we open up Catalog Sales to more markets and scenarios.


What it Supports


Managed e-commerce accounts based in launched markets. Please contact your sales representative for more information

Promotion Type

App: Supports both retargeting & prospecting

Advertising Objective

Catalog Sales


E-Commerce & Retail

How they work

Note: Dynamic Showcase Ads currently only support prospecting and retargeting for apps.

Dynamic Showcase Ads support two methods for promoting your business: prospecting to new customers and retargeting existing customers/leads.

  • ​For Prospecting New Customers: TikTok will make personalized recommendations from your product catalog to help drive installs, user acquisition, and sales.

  • ​For Retargeting Existing Customers: TikTok will automatically show ads about relevant products to people who have expressed interest in them on your website or app.


Dynamic Showcase Ads enable you to:

  • ​Optimize Ad Delivery at the Product Level: Show people specific products that are tailored to their interests and behavior. Compared to traditional ads, Dynamic Showcase Ads automatically optimize ads at the product level and showcase the price, name, description, and inventory of each product.

  • ​Improve Prospecting & Retargeting: Make a lasting impression on your next customer by showing them products that are selected based on their behavior and interests. Improve your ability to re-engage your existing customers and leads by automatically showing them the products they've shown interest in.

  • ​Save Time Managing Campaigns: Once you upload your product catalog and publish your campaign, Dynamic Showcase Ads will continually work to show the right products to the right people; unlike traditional ads where you will need to create and manage separate campaigns, ad groups, and ads to promote different products to different audiences.

Dynamic Showcase Ads vs Regular Ads


Dynamic Showcase Ads

Regular ads


One ad group supports millions of indivdual products.

Each ad group can only support 10 unique ads.


Dynamically generate videos that feature up-to-date information and details about each of your products.

Videos need to be manually created or uploaded.

Personalized Recommendations

Automatically recommend specific products to people who are most likely to be interested in them based on the product ranking.

Serve ads to people based on their ranking for the ad, not the product.

To learn more about making Dynamic Showcase Ads, see How to Create Dynamic Showcase Ads.