
Create a Split Test
Last updated: May 2024

To create a split test, you need to complete the following steps:

1. ​Create a new campaign. Toggle Create Split Test at the campaign level under the Settings section.


2. Complete settings under the Ad Group level (this is Ad Group A or your Control). Ensure to set the ad group run dates to a 7 days minimum so that the system has enough time to collect a significant sample.


3. ​Choose a Variable to test and Key Metric at the Split Test level. Your Key Metric is what the system will use to compare the two ad groups and determine a winner.

  • ​Set a high enough daily budget so that the testing power is sufficient. This step is where you are setting up ad group B or the test ad group.


4. ​Set up your Test ad group and click Complete. Ensure to set the ad group run dates to a 7 days minimum so that the system has enough time to collect a significant sample.

Split test 04