Create an ad

How to customize an Instant Page
Last updated: May 2024

On TikTok Ads Manager, you can customize an Instant page with seven different components. Whether you're building one from scratch or adjusting a pre-made template, this article will walk you through the process of editing each Instant Page component.


To add a Header

The Header component lets you display information about your brand or product on the top of your Instant Page using text or a logo. To create/edit a Header:

  1. ​Choose a header type Text or Logo.

  2. ​To use a Text header, enter your Title and select a Text Color.

  3. ​To use a Logo, click Upload and select a local file, crop it to size and click Confirm.

Customize an Instant Page-add a header-GIF

Note: A Header component will always appear on the top of the Instant Page, and the size will be fixed.

To add an Image

The Image component lets you showcase images on your Instant Page. These images can be static or link to a website or an app install page. To create/edit an Image:

  1. ​Click + upload an image from a local file.

  2. ​Use the Destination URL module to make the image a clickable element. Select either View Website or Install App, then enter the URL of the website.

  • ​Supported Image format: JPG, JPEG, PNG

  • ​File Size: Up to 2MB

Customize an Instant Page-add an image-JPG

To add a Video

The Video component lets you insert a single video on your Instant Page. To create/edit a Video:

  1. ​Click + upload a video from a local file.

  • ​Supported Video format: MOV, MP4

  • ​File size: Up to 100MB

Customize an Instant Page-add a video-JPG

To add a Carousel

The Carousel component lets you create a rotating slideshow of up to 10 images. The images in the Carousel can be static or link to a landing page or an app install page. To create/edit a Carousel:

  1. ​Click Upload and select between 2 to 10 images. Next, crop them to size and click Confirm. Arrange the order the carousel's images cards appear by dragging them to the desired position.

  2. ​Each image in the Carousel can link to an individual website or app landing page.

  • ​Supported Image format: JPG, JPEG, PNG

  • ​File Size: Up to 2MB

Customize an Instant Page-add a carousel-GIF

To add a Button

The Button component is a clickable element that lets you direct people to carry out an action on a website or an app install page. You can use these button click conversion events to optimize ad delivery. To create/edit a Button:

  1. ​If desired, turn on the Add button click conversion event to optimize toggle.

  2. ​Choose a button type, Text, or Image.

    1. ​To create a Text button: Write the Button Text. Use the Destination URL to choose where your button links to, either View Website or Install App. Then enter the URL. Next, select a Button Style and use the text formatting options to stylize your button.

    2. ​To create an Image button: Upload an image. Use the Destination URL to choose where your button links to, select either View Website or Install App, then enter the URL of the website.

  3. ​Then determine if you want your button at the bottom of your Instant Page or in the relative position of the Button component within the Instant Page.

Customize an Instant Page-add a button-JPG

To add Text

The Text component lets you insert a text box in your Instant Page. To create/edit a Text component:

  1. ​Write your copy in the Text Content field.

  2. ​Use the Text Style options to format your text block.

  3. ​Use the Text Margin options to determine how much space you want at the top or the bottom of your text block.

Customize an Instant Page-add text-GIF

Note: Using the Text Style and Text Margin formatting options will apply the same formatting to all the text within a Text component. If you wish to have text with different formatting, you must add additional Text components to your Instant Page.

To add a Coupon

The Coupon component lets you showcase discounts. To create/edit a Coupon component:

  1. ​Enter the discount amount in terms of percentage off the original price.

  2. ​Select a Language.

  3. ​Optional - enter a Coupon Code, which people can redeem on your website for an exclusive coupon.

  4. ​Add a Link to the coupon, choose View Website or Install App, then enter the URL of the website or app install page.

Customize an Instant Page-add a coupon-JPG

Once you have created all the components of your Instant Page, click Save to save a draft of your page, or click Complete to add the finished Instant Page to your ad. Next, finish building your ad and click Submit when you are ready to publish.