TikTok Commerce

About Daylight Saving Time and Scheduling LIVE Shopping Ads
Last updated: July 2024

To create LIVE Shopping Ads on TikTok Ads Manager, you will need to schedule when the ads start delivering. We recommend scheduling LIVE Shopping Ads so they start running and end at the same time as the LIVE video broadcast.

When you schedule LIVE Shopping Ads, you will select the ad delivery start and end times according to your account's coordinated universal timecode (UTC). Since UTC does not support daylight saving time (DST), you may need to adjust the ad delivery schedule if the LIVE video is being broadcast from a location that observes DST.

To schedule LIVE Shopping Ads to match the start time of the LIVE video, you will need:

  • The LIVE video's start and end time.

  • The current UTC time zone of the LIVE video's broadcast location.

    • Note: This UTC time zone will change if the location observes DST. For example, if California observes DST, the time there is UTC-8, but during DST it changes to UTC-7.

  • The ad account's UTC time zone, which will not adjust per DST. For example, an ad account created in California will use UTC-8 time zone for the entire year.

To calculate when to schedule your LIVE Shopping Ads:

  1. Determine the difference between the current UTC time zone of the LIVE video's broadcast location and your ad account's UTC time zone.

  2. Add the difference to your LIVE video's start and end time.

See the table below to see how to schedule LIVE Shopping Ads delivery when:

  • The LIVE video is being broadcast from the same UTC time zone as the ad account.

  • The LIVE video's broadcast UTC time zone is different from the ad account.

  • The LIVE video's broadcast UTC time zone observes DST.

LIVE Video Start Time

Does the LIVE video's broadcast location currently use DST?

Current UTC time zone of the LIVE video's broadcast location

Ad account's UTC time zone

Offset / Difference

Start Time of LIVE Shopping Ads Delivery on TikTok Ads Manager

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC+0) United Kingdom



2 PM / 14:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-5) United States



2 PM / 14:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-6) United States


+1 Hour

3 PM / 15:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-7) United States


+2 Hours

4 PM / 16:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-8) United States


+3 Hours

5 PM / 17:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC+1) United Kingdom


-1 Hour

1 PM / 13:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-4) United States


-1 Hour

1 PM / 13:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-5) United States



2 PM / 14:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-6) United States


+1 Hour

3 PM / 15:00

2 PM / 14:00


(UTC-7) United States


+2 Hours

4 PM / 16:00