TikTok accounts

How to find your verification code
Last updated: May 2024

The verification code is an additional verification step when you sign into your TikTok for Business account or make updates to your TikTok Ads Manager account. Your verification code will prevent unauthorized access to your account, even if your password is compromised.

Before you begin

  • You'll receive the verification code to the email, phone, or Google authenticator app selected when you set up Two-Step Verfication.

Note: Before you begin, you'll need an email address or phone number added to your TikTok for Business account or TikTok Ads Manager account to receive the verification code.

To find your verification code:

  1. Search for "TikTok" in your email account in Spam, Junk, Trash, Deleted Items, or Archive folders.

  2. Use the same device to login to your account.

How to find your verification code

When the verification code is entered, you'll be able to access your TikTok for Business account or make updates in your TikTok Ads Manager account.