Troubleshoot with Pixel Helper

Last updated: May 2024

TikTok Pixel Helper is a Chrome extension that can help you verify and troubleshoot pixel installation by checking for errors and providing implementation recommendations for your website. Pixel helper provides detailed diagnostics at all levels including pixel, event, and parameter implementation.

Learn more about TikTok Pixel.

Before you begin

Make sure you download the latest version of Pixel Helper.

How to troubleshoot with Pixel Helper

To troubleshoot with Pixel Helper, determine the level the error occurred and implement the corresponding suggestion:


Setup mode

Error Type




Event Builder, Custom Code

Pixel code is not installed in header

Pixel code is not installed in header

Place the pixel code as early as possible on the webpage, ideally between the <head></head> tags.


Event Builder, Custom Code

Invalid Pixel ID

Pixel ID could not be found in your system

Go to Events Manager and find the correct pixel ID.


Event Builder, Custom Code

First-Party Cookies Not Found

First-Party Cookies are not enabled

Go to Events Manager settings, go to Cookie Info, and turn on first-party cookies.


Custom Code

Event name/type is empty

Event name/type is empty

Go to your source code and include the event name(s).


Custom Code

Event name/type is invalid

Event name/type is not supported

Go to your source code and update your event(s).


Custom Code

Email format invalid

Email format does not match the standard format (lower case)

Go to your source code and update the email parameter(s) for the "{{event}}" event to the supported format.


Custom Code

Phone num format invalid

Phone number format (E164) does not match the standard format

Go to your source code and update the phone number parameter(s) for the "{{event}}" event to the supported format.


Custom Code

Missing email or phone number parameter for complete payment event

Advanced matching parameters are set but no email and phone number are received

Check Advanced Matching parameters displayed to see which parameter is missing. Go to your source code and include the missing parameter to improve your coverage.


Custom Code

Value parameter format invalid

The value field must contain a number >0, and may not include any special characters, currency symbols, or commas

The 'value' format must be either integer (e.g. 100) or follow the decimal number format (e.g. 12.34), which cannot contain currency signs, special characters, letters or commas.


Custom Code

Currency/Value parameter missing

The value parameter is set but not currency, or vice versa

Go to your source code and include the currency or value parameter(s) for the "{{event}}" event.


Custom Code

Currency code invalid/not supported

Currency code does not match a supported currency code

Go to your source code and update the currency parameter(s) for the "{{event}}" event to a supported currency code.


Custom Code

Content ID value missing

Content parameter is set but no value is being passed

Go to your source code and include value for content ID.


Custom Code

Missing content ID parameter

No content ID being received

Go to your source code and include the "content id" parameter.


Custom Code

Content Type invalid

Must be either product or product_group

Content must be either "product" or "product_group". Go to your source code and update the content type.