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TikTok accounts

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List of unavailable features for Organization Accounts

Last updated: March 2025

The following features are unavailable for Organization Accounts.


Unavailable features

TikTok for Business

You can't use Organization Accounts to sign up for, or log in to, TikTok business platforms such as TikTok for Business.

Account settings and privacy



One Click Login (OCL)

Phone number


Date of birth

Autofill information

Updating account region

Switching to Business Account / Switching to Personal Account

Permanent account deletion.

Note: Organization Account admins can request account deletion by contacting our support team for assistance.

Suggest your account to contacts

2-step verification

Saving login info

Family Pairing


General Music Library (you must use the Commercial Music Library)

Work with Artists


TikTok One

Plan of publisher


Branded Mission

Coins-related features (temporarily unavailable)


Collecting rewards from posting short videos


Creator Rewards Program

TikTok 1 Minute+ Growth Program

Effect Creator Rewards

Effect challenges, bonuses or reward programs

Points gameplay

TikTok family of apps

Organization Accounts can't be used to sign up for or log in to other apps linked to TikTok such as Lemon8 and TikTok Now.