Login FAQs
Last updated, May 2024

What should I do if I cannot log in to TikTok Ads Manager?

There may be times when you are unable to log into your TikTok Ads Manager account. If this happens, we recommend doing one of two things:

  1. ​Switch Users on the platform

  2. Clear your browser's cookies, refresh the page, and log in again

If you are using Google Chrome to access TikTok Ads Manager, you will clear your browser's cookies in the following manner:

  1. ​Click on the following link to go to your Privacy and security settings on Chrome:

    • chrome://settings/clearBrowserData

  2. ​Set the time range field to All time and make sure that Cookies and other site data are checked.

How can I retrieve my password if I forgot the login email/phone number I used to create my ad account?

Unfortunately, there is no way to retrieve your account if you do not have access to the login email or phone number. The advertiser must have one of these methods available for our system to verify your identity.

We apologize for any convenience this may cause, but this is to ensure the security and safety of our advertiser accounts. You may create a new account at any time with a new phone number or password.
