TikTok E-Commerce Partner Platforms

Square x TikTok Set Up Guide
Last updated: May 2024

Note: TikTok Storefront is currently only available to merchants who have already been onboarded to the product. Stay tuned as we continue to evolve our products to help businesses grow via TikTok!

To set up Square x TikTok

  1. ​ In your Square Dashboard, find TikTok for Business under Ecommerce > Online Sales Channels.

  2. ​ Click Connect to get started.

  3. ​If you have not yet verified your identity with Square, you’ll be walked through the process to do so before setting up this integration.

  4. ​To use Square x TikTok, you’ll need a Square Online site. If you don’t have one yet, you’ll be prompted to create and publish your site first before continuing set up. Your Square Online site is where purchases from TikTok take place!

  5. ​Log in to your TikTok account or sign up for a new one.

  6. Authorize TikTok For Business to connect using your TikTok account.

    • ​After connecting your TikTok account to Square x TikTok, you will need to connect your TikTok for Business account to Square.

    • ​If the TikTok account you connected with Square x TikTok is already linked to a TikTok For Business account, there is no action to take.

    • ​Otherwise, you will need to register for a new TikTok For Business account or log in to an existing one.

  7. ​Having successfully connected your TikTok For Business account to Square, you will be prompted to connect (or create) your TikTok Business Center.

    • ​To create a new TikTok Business Center, click Create New under the Business Center section. To connect an existing TikTok Business Center*, select one that belongs to your TikTok For Business account and click Connect.

*Note: Right now, Agency Business Centers are not compatible for use with the integration. For more information, please visit the Help Center

8. ​Then connect your TikTok Ad account.

  • ​To connect to an existing TikTok Ad Account associated with your TikTok for Business account, click Connect.

  • ​To create a new TikTok Ad Account, click Create New.

9. ​After successfully connecting your TikTok account, TikTok for Business account, TikTok Business Center, and TikTok Ad account, you will need to set up the TikTok Pixel.

  • ​If you have never added a TikTok Pixel to your Square store, click Create New.

  • ​If you have installed a TikTok Pixel using Developer Mode within the last 2 months, remove the existing Developer Mode Pixel from your Square store, return to the integration installation, and click Create New.

  • If you installed TikTok Pixel using Developer mode more than 2 months ago, click Create New. Then after you set up Square x TikTok, remove the newly installed TikTok Pixel - click here for more instructions.

10. ​ After setting up your TikTok Pixel, enable Advanced Matching to improve the match rate between clicks on your TikTok ads and the conversion that happens on your website.

  • ​If you disabled the newly installed pixel, you won't be able to leverage the Advanced Matching feature.

11. ​ Set up your product catalog syncing by clicking Create New. This will sync your existing product catalog to your TikTok Business Center.

12. ​ Once each section is completed, click Finish Setup.

To add your Payment & Billing Information

Once you finish setting up Square x TikTok, you can add your payment and billing information to your TikTok Ad account, if it is not already set up. Currently, you can set up your payment and billing information from the TikTok Marketing module or the Payment module.

To add a Payment Method from the TikTok Marketing module

  1. ​Open Square x TikTok.

  2. ​Go to the Overview page.

  3. ​Locate the TikTok Marketing module and click Update Account.

  4. ​Enter your Payment information - we will use this information to generate your invoices.

  5. ​Select Automatic payment or Manual Payment and click Next.

    • ​If you selected Automatic payment, add a supported credit or debit card and click Submit.

    • ​If you selected Manual Payment, enter a balance that you wish to add to your account, and click Next. Then add a supported payment method and click Submit.

  6. ​Clicking Submit will trigger a payment processing screen to appear, and from there you will receive confirmation whether the payment method was successfully added or if it failed.

  7. ​If you were unable to add your payment method, click Try Again to restart the process.

To add a Payment Method from the Payment module

  1. ​Open Square x TikTok.

  2. ​Go to the Settings page.

  3. ​Locate the Payment module and click Add payment method.

  4. ​Enter your Payment information - this will be used to generate your invoices.

  5. ​Select Automatic payment or Manual Payment and click Next.

    • ​If you selected Automatic payment, add a supported credit or debit card and click Submit.

    • ​If you selected Manual Payment, enter a balance that you wish to add to your account, and click Next. Then add a supported payment method and click Submit.

  6. ​Clicking Submit will trigger a payment processing screen to appear, and from there you will receive confirmation whether the payment method was successfully added or if it failed.

  7. ​If they were unable to add the payment method, click Try Again to restart the process.

After you set up your payment method, you can manage your payment and billing information by going to the Payment module on the Settings page and clicking Manage. Then you will be able to manage your ad account's payment methods from TikTok Ads Manager or TikTok Business Center, depending on which platform you used to create your ad accounts.

Next steps

After setting up Square x TikTok and adding your payment and billing information, you can start creating ads from the TikTok Marketing module on the Overview page, click here for more information. Or you may wish to set up TikTok Shopping if you are eligible to participate in the pilot program, click here for more information.