App and gaming

What's the App Promotion Objective
Last updated: May 2024

The App promotion objective is a holistic solution promoting your app on TikTok Ads Manager. App promotion supports App Install and App Retargeting use cases, so you can use it to get people to install your mobile app and re-engage your app's current users. 

About App promotion

When you use the App promotion objective for App Installs, we will send people to your app's download page in the Google Play or Apple App Store. And depending on your business goals, you can choose how the system will optimize ad delivery. Choose from:

  • Click: When people click your ad's call to action button.

  • Install: When people install your app from the App or Play store.

  • In-app event (AEO): When people perform a specific in-app event like completing a purchase or creating a registration.

  • Install with In-app event: When people install your app and perform a specific in-app event.

  • Value: Generate the most value or return on ad spend by finding users of the highest value.

And when you use the App promotion objective for App Retargeting, we will show your ad to people who have installed your app and get them to perform a valuable action in it. And depending on your business goals, you can choose how the system will optimize ad delivery:  

  • In-app event (AEO): When people perform a specific in-app event.

  • Install with in-app event: When people install your app and perform a specific in-app event.

  • Value: Generate the most value or return on ad spend by finding users of the highest value.

Benefits of App promotion

The App promotion advertising objective enables you to:

  • Drive installs of your app.

  • Get people to perform specific actions within your app.

  • Create dedicated iOS 14 app install campaigns.

  • Use all of our supported in-app conversion events to optimize ad delivery and measure performance.

When to use App promotion

You should consider using the App promotion objective when you want to run ads optimized around getting people to install or complete specific actions in your app.

For example, if you just launched a new mobile game, you would create an App promotion campaign optimized for app installs to acquire new users.

Or, if you've released a new update to your app, you could create an App promotion campaign that retargets your app's existing users and is optimized against a specific in-app conversion such as "purchase".

How to use App promotion

It only takes a few minutes to set up an App promotion campaign. To start promoting your app on TikTok Ads Manager, you'll need to:

  1. Set up event tracking for your app on TikTok Ads Manager.

  2. Create a campaign on TikTok Ads Manager using the App promotion objective.

  3. Choose if you want to drive app installs or retarget existing users.

  4. Select your app.

  5. Define your target audience.

  6. Set up your budget and select an optimization goal.

Then create and publish your ads.