Giving a Partner Access to TikTok Business Center Assets
Last updated, May 2024

TikTok Business Centers can now work together as partners. When two TikTok Business Centers become partners, they can share assets with each other in bulk. This relationship is designed to help organizations work with their agencies or subsidiaries.

Partner Requirements

  • ​Only the admin of a TikTok Business Center account can add partners and share assets

  • ​You and your partner must have a TikTok Business Center account

  • ​You must know your partner's TikTok Business Center account id

To Give a Partner Access to Your Assets

  1. ​Log in to your TikTok Business Center account as an admin

  2. ​Find the Partner module under Users, found on the left navigation bar

  3. ​Click Add Partners

  4. ​Input your partner's TikTok Business Center account id and click Next

  5. ​Select ad accounts that you want to share with your partner, and assign a role for your partner

  6. ​Click Confirm

Your partner will now see the shared assets in their TikTok Business Center account.
