Copy an Ad Group
Last updated, June 2023

Copying ad groups is a fast and convenient way to reuse an existing ad group.

Copying the ad group duplicates the current settings, but you can always modify them later. You can make multiple copies of an ad group. We recommend making copies of ad groups from better performing campaigns for testing.


  • ​Currently, you can only copy a single ad group multiple times and cannot copy multiple groups at the same time.

  • ​Newly copied ad groups are set to Enabled by default.

  • ​Only the ad groups which pass the ad review can be copied.

Steps to copy an ad group

  1. Select the ad group you want to copy at the ad group level and then click the Copy button of the corresponding ad group.

  2. Specify the number of copies you'd like to create, and customize the name of each copy. You can make up to 10 copies at a time.

  3. Select the campaign where you want to copy the ad groups.

    • ​New Campaign - Ad groups will be copied to a newly created campaign.

    • Existing Campaign - Ad groups will be copied to previous campaigns. Select one from the drop-down list.

  4. Select Copy. The next page will allow you to confirm the campaign, ad group, and ad settings depending on your campaign selection.

    • Note:

      • ​When copying to a new campaign, campaign objective settings will be copied to the newly created campaign and can not be changed.

      • ​When copying to new or existing campaigns, ad placement settings will be copied to the newly created campaign and can not be changed.

      • ​The new ad group’s settings will be the same as the copied ad group by default, but you may edit most ad group settings. For instructions on how to edit ad group settings, see Create Ad Group.

  5. Click Submit when you are ready to copy the ad group.
