About Smart Creative

Smart Creative is a TikTok automated creative solution that optimizes ad creative combinations through ad group fatigue detection and auto-refresh strategies. This feature reduces ad fatigue, prolongs ad group lifespan, and improves cost efficiency over time.

About Smart Creative 1. GIF

How Smart Creative works

Smart Creative works in three steps:

  • Creative asset combination combines videos / images, text and call-to-action to create multiple variations of ads.

  • Creative selection initially prioritizes the delivery of the most differentiated videos as assessed by scene similarity, and observes their performance for 3-5 days, allocating no more than 10% of the ad group's total budget. You can also set a quota for the number of creatives prioritized initially.

  • Anti-creative fatigue refresh pause initial videos that show signs of fatigue within the first 3-5 days and put new videos on the waiting list to replace them, ensuring that budget is always allocated to the un-fatigued videos and improving the ad group's performance.

How Smart Creative works

With Smart Creative activated, you will be given the option to preview, select videos, and edit text used in the auto-generated videos.


  • Regions: All

  • Platform: TikTok Ads Manager

  • Placement types: TikTok and Pangle

  • Ad objectives: Traffic, App promotion, Conversion, and Lead Generation

  • Ad format: Diversion ads and Spark ads (pull only)

  • Split test: Not supported yet

  • API: Supported