Success stories

Lucy & Yak

Taking TikTok sales to new heights across the UK with Video Shopping Ads

lucy & yak header Lucy and Yak brand Logo
1.9 k
completed payments
return on ad spend
+2.6 k
new followers
The objective

Increasing sales and brand awareness with a strong ROAS

What do you do when you quit your 9-to-5 life in the rainy UK? Easy – you venture out to New Zealand with your partner and make pouches from pre-loved clothes to get by. That's what Lucy Greenwood and Chris Renwick did back in 2014, not knowing of their soon-to-come success.

A few Kiwi summers and vintage sales later, Lucy and Chris were back in their homeland, growing their business Lucy & Yak from the back of their van. Yak was a 90's Talbot and not only their means of transport but also their home and office. Focusing on sustainable fabrics and colourful designs, the pair opened their first shop in Brighton in 2019. What started with dungarees, expanded into various categories and more shops across the UK with bright pink storefronts as the brand's visual signature.

To grow their diverse community of Yakkers, TikTok has been an important channel for sharing a mix of product styling, behind-the-scenes, and user-generated content. The team behind the @lucyandyak handle has been utilising ads before to increase sales and brand awareness. But when they tried a new ad solution recommended by their TikTok ad manager, their cost per acquisition went down like never before.

The solution

Discovering Video Shopping Ads as a powerful format

Video Shopping Ads (VSAs) allow you to make your TikTok In-Feed video ads shoppable. How? You can add a small product card to your video with a "Shop Now" button. This takes your audience from the For You page straight to checkout.

For this campaign, the Lucy & Yak team wanted to reach a broad UK audience of all genders between 18 and 55+ with an interest in fashion and sustainability. To increase product and catalogue sales, they produced content that featured their clothes and tagged the relevant items on the product cards. Add a little trendy tune to it, et voilà – a shopping experience in vogue. But the in-house team took optimising even further.

They ran A/B testing on two sets of ads. One set was optimised for the event "add to cart", allowing users to shop around and beyond the item they clicked on. The other ad set was optimised for the event "complete purchase" and took buyers directly to checkout. The results were clear as day and overall significantly better than any other campaign the business had run before on TikTok.

The results

Soaring sales and plunging costs per acquisition

Of the two sets, "add to cart" turned out to be 10x more profitable, given the return on ad spend (ROAS) metric. A total of 1,916 completed purchases resulted in strong revenue increases for the business,, while the average cost per acquisition (CPA) decreased by 99%. They also grew their community gained 2,653 followers.

Since using Video Shopping Ads, Lucy & Yak has significantly increased its sales showing that fashion and TikTok are a close-knit combo.

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Since working with our account manager at TikTok we’ve been able to implement Video Shopping Ads which have elevated our ad performance and increased conversion rate extensively. Allowing the user’s shopping experience to be quicker and more fluid with the interactive product card add-ons has been essential to achieving these conversions.

Steph Powell, Head of Customer Marketing
Lucy & Yak

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