
Leveraging Video Shopping Ads for Enhanced Conversion Goals

ba&sh land
Return On Ad Spend
-75 %
Cost Per Acquisition


Leveraging Video Shopping Ads for Enhanced Conversion Goals

In partnership with their media agency tigrz, Ba&sh, a renowned fashion brand, set out to achieve their e-commerce objectives by focusing on conversions through the strategic use of Video Shopping Ads. This innovative ad format was specifically chosen for its ability to boost performance by engaging consumers directly at the point of purchase decision-making.


Optimizing Audience Engagement through Advanced Retargeting Strategies

To maximize the impact of their campaigns, Ba&sh implemented a sophisticated conversion funnel approach. This strategy focused on enhancing the quality of audience signals and expediting the learning phases to swiftly adapt and optimize their marketing efforts. By leveraging retargeting techniques, Ba&sh was able to concentrate on reaching audiences that had previously shown interest, thereby driving significantly improved campaign performance.


The results of Ba&sh’s targeted approach were compelling:

  • Achieved a threefold (x3) increase in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) when using Retargeting strategies compared to Prospecting audiences.

  • Reduced the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) by 75% with Retargeting efforts compared to those aimed at Prospecting new users.

Campaign Insights

Setting a New Standard in Fashion E-commerce

This campaign not only underscores the effectiveness of using tailored Video Shopping Ads but also highlights how precise audience targeting, particularly through retargeting, can lead to unprecedented gains in marketing efficiency and e-commerce success. Ba&sh’s approach serves as a benchmark for the fashion industry, demonstrating the power of digital innovations in transforming consumer engagement and boosting online sales performance.

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