Business Center FAQs
Last updated: June 2024

How do I add users to manage my ad account?

  1. ​Go to your TikTok Business Center account and click Members under Users in the navigation bar on the left.

  2. ​Click Invite Member.

  3. ​Enter the email of the member you want to add and select the TikTok Business Center role (admin or standard) you want to assign.

    1. Note: We recommend setting standard access for the user allowing them to only work on assigned accounts. Learn more about how to manage permissions on a TikTok Business Center account.

  4. ​Click Next.

  5. Select ad accounts and assign a role to the member. Learn more about managing permissions on a TikTok Business Center.

  6. ​Click one of the following options:

    1. Skip - Invite member, but skip setting permissions. You can always edit permissions later.

    2. Back - Go back to the invite member page.

    3. Confirm - Invite member based on the ad accounts and role selected.

Note: Each TikTok Business Center can manage up to 1000 members (20 Admins + 980 Standards).

How do I remove users from my ad account?

  1. ​Go to your TikTok Business Center and click Members under Users in the navigation bar on the left.

  2. ​Click on the member you want to remove.

  3. ​Click on Remove to the right of the member's information.

  4. ​Click on Confirm to remove a member.

Is it possible to combine several accounts in one place?

Yes, each TikTok Business Center can add up to 150 ad accounts (also referred to as assets).

Learn more on how to manage assets in TikTok Business Center.

How can I link my accounts to my TikTok Business Center account?

To link your accounts, you must first create a TikTok Business Center account. After that, you can start to link ad accounts (also referred to as assets). Follow the steps below to add an ad account to your TikTok Business Center account:

  1. ​Go to your TikTok Business Center account and click Ad Accounts under Assets in the navigation bar on the left.

  2. ​Click Add Ad Account.

  3. ​Enter the Account ID and enable the Inform account administrator by email toggle.

    1. Note: If you do not enable the toggle, the admin will still be sent a request for access. The request will be sent to the Notification Center, which is located in the top-right corner of the TikTok Ads Manager dashboard.

  4. ​Enter your email address and click Send.

  5. ​The admin of the ad account will receive a notification and will click the Accept button in the email.

Note: Only the Admin of the ad account can accept the request access invitation.