Popular in the Last 7 days, United States
Graphic Art: Painting and drawing creations and tutorials.
Comics & Cartoon, Anime: Animation and comics, like 3D and stop-motion, or adaptations of famous anime.
Cosplay: The world of cosplay, including makeup, performances, costume DIYs, and more.
Toys & Collectables: Toys and collectibles, like decorative objects.
Oddly satisfying: ASMR and stress-relieving content.
Each data point compares the relative volume against the peak volume of the trend. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the trend.
Information about viewers that watch videos associated with this trend.
The top locations in the world where this term is most popular. The value represents an index score. Example: If the score is 200, the trend is 2x as popular in this market compared to its average popularity on TikTok worldwide.