Success Stories

ho. Mobile

Driving customer acquisition and conversions for leading Italian mobile network ho. Mobile.

+48 %
Completed Payment Uplift
+33 pp
Complete Payment after Optimization
-25 %
Reduction in Cost per Acquisition

The Objective 

ho. Mobile hoped to boost its sales and customer acquisitions amongst a whole new audience in Italy. Luckily for them, TikTok’s performance campaigns offer tailor-made tools that cater to both. What’s more, ho. Mobile utilised our Creative Exchange program to get connected with creators to give their campaign TikTok’s unique look and feel.

The Solution 

To drive sales and boost the performance of its campaign, ho. Mobile set up a safe and reliable data connection with TikTok. These inputs allow our ad system to more accurately determine which ads to serve to which people – all while maximising the chance of a conversion. 

By implementing our Events API, ho. Mobile were able to accurately measure and learn from actions on their website, which built on their ability to drive transactions. Across the funnel, these events included view content, add to cart, initiate checkout, and complete payment. The data signals generated through this integration played a crucial role in achieving an outstanding -25% reduction in the cost per acquisition for the brand.

ho. Mobile did not have the capacity to produce native TikTok content, so instead, they utilised TikTok's Creative Exchange program to collaborate with TikTok Creative Marketing Partners and source creator content. The program can enrich your campaign with innovative ideas and creative insights, ensuring your message remains at the forefront of TikTok's creative landscape to foster a dynamic and engaging brand presence.

In the hope of gaining real, usable insights from their campaign, ho. Mobile chose to run a Conversion Lift Study alongside their ads. When you run a TikTok Conversion Lift Study, we create two randomised groups from a portion of your campaign's target audience: an Exposed Group that sees your promoted content and a Control Group that does not. We then use statistical techniques to measure the difference in Performance KPI between the two groups, which can be attributed to your advertising.

The Results 

The ho. Mobile campaign results were outstanding, with a -25% reduction in CPA compared to previous campaigns. These results were further enhanced by a campaign optimisation: from the initial phase with "initiate checkout" objective to the later phase with "complete payment" objectives. This resulted in a +48% lift in completed payments, marking a +33 pp improvement over the initial phase. Additionally, the "initiate checkout" event saw a commendable +29% relative lift.

These outcomes underscore TikTok's ability to create cost-efficient campaigns that resonate perfectly with their target audience – all while generating quality data to further boost your performance.

We, at ho. Mobile, in partnership with the Carat media team, are always looking for channels that can drive incremental sales, target our core audience, and help us work on all funnel steps. The TikTok team helped us achieve all these objectives, additionally providing measurement solutions to support the quality of the results.

Ion Turcanu
Brand, Media & Digital Sales manager

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