
Boosting campaign performance thanks to Event API tracking solution

cabaia land
+15 %
Events received
+83 %
Attributed Conversions*


Cabaia is a French brand known for its innovative and stylish accessories, particularly focusing on bags, beanies, and socks. Cabaia’s products are designed with a combination of functionality and fashion in mind, appealing to a broad audience that values both practicality and style. The brand also promotes sustainable and ethical manufacturing practices, which adds to its appeal among environmentally conscious consumers.

After the successful installation of TikTok Pixel, Cabaia wanted to optimize its signal settings to allow for more precise and advanced measurement, with the objective to align more closely to revenue goal.


As the next step in optimising signal settings, Cabaia added Events API and Advanced Matching on top of TikTok Pixel, which typically increase the volume of events measured. This allows the bidding algorithm of their always on campaigns to use more datapoints to optimize and reach better qualified prospects.


This optimal signal setup with Events API and Advanced Matching in addition to TikTok Pixel enabled the bidding algorithm of Cabaïa's campaigns to receive 15% more events, resulting in a 83% increase in attributed conversions. By reaching more qualified prospects, Cabaïa's business on TikTok is now more closely aligned to their revenue goal.

*More events recorded by TikTok have led to improvements in the targeting algorithm