Success Stories

Sears 'Hot Sale de Estreno'

Standing out and growing sales through a full-funnel campaign during the Online Discount Season

Sears 'Hot Sale de Estreno' Campaign banner
30 M
Of users reached
+50 %
Video Views vs. other media
In Impressions

The Objective

Gaining notoriety in a saturated season

Sears faced the challenge of standing out during the highly saturated online discount season, one of the brand's key sales periods. They wanted to reach everyone, so they developed ‘Hot Sale de Estreno’, a campaign exclusively for this period. Given its importance and their goal to reach a large audience, they considered TikTok as the ideal partner for collaboration. Additionally, they had previously achieved success with TikTok when their objective was app downloads.

The Solution

Igniting Engagement and Driving Conversions

To achieve this, they devised a full-funnel campaign that began with a teaser to generate reach, a Top View to maximize awareness, and concluded with conversion strategies focused on driving purchases. First, they launched a teaser campaign in collaboration with two content creators, including Regina Murguía and Javier Ibarreche. The latter is known for his series and movie reviews and is a native TikTok creator. It was crucial for them to have him because he is a familiar face, and they wanted the message to reach more users on the platform.

During this phase, they highlighted the promotion dates and mentioned where the offers would be valid: online, in the app, and in physical stores, emphasizing the event's omnichannel nature.

The next stage was the launch at the start of the season, where they communicated their main message showing the discounts, products, categories, and promotion dates. During this stage, two main messages were communicated: "Ya llegó el Hot Sale de Estreno" and, at the end of the season, "Últimos días." They also leveraged other creators to highlight key categories such as electronics, mattresses, and clothing, with specific messages for each.

For the last days of the campaign, Sears strategically launched a Top View to reach people they had not yet taken advantage of the season. The goal here was to reach those who were still considering making purchases. In this phase, the message was "Faltan Pocos Días," highlighting the benefits of up to 50% off, +18 MSI, and free shipping.

With TikTok, they maximized the audiences generated with the initial teaser and those created daily to develop a dynamic remarketing strategy. Simultaneously, they launched a conversion campaign optimized for "Purchase." This was done to encourage audiences already familiar with the season and who had visited the site to buy the products. They also utilized two main placements: TikTok and Pangle, following recommendations on placements.

The Results

Achieving Exceptional Results and Maximizing Impact

The results were outstanding; Sears achieved growth in sales compared to the previous year, standing out in a season full of offers and high demand for attention.

Additionally, the campaign generated a remarkable response from users:

  • 1 in 2 people who entered TikTok saw a Sears ad.

  • TikTok was the leading platform in video views, impressions, and engagement.

  • Sales grew compared to 2023.

  • The ROAS was well-aligned with other search and social media channels.

  • Frequency was more than double compared to other channels.

  • Video views were up by over 50% compared to other media.

Working with creators was crucial for communicating the main message and highlighting key categories, leveraging TikTok’s trend-driven approach and adapting it to the campaign.

The case study was also presented during the TikTok For Business - Creative Fest 2024, where the brand discussed the campaign as part of the talk: 'Shopping Season on TikTok'.

Source: Sears Internal Data, 2024

quote marks - razzmatazz

Running full-funnel campaigns on TikTok helped us impact different audiences throughout the purchase process, from discovery to intent and final sale, achieving a return of 15 pesos for every peso invested. Additionally, we leveraged two creators, Javier Ibarreche and Regina Murguía, with whom we produced the campaign utilizing their unique styles. Having a mix of objectives, including Top View, Top Feed, Reach, and Conversions, helped us reach 30 million people and contributed to Sears exceeding our sales targets.

Carlos Méndez - Gerente Marketing Digital
Sears Mexico

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