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This graph compares the relative CTR (Click Through Rate) of each second of the video against the second with the highest CTR of the entire video. The CTR of a certain second equals the number of clicks divided by the number of viewers in that second.
This graph compares the relative CTR (Click Through Rate) of each second of the video against the second with the highest CTR of the entire video. The CTR of a certain second equals the number of clicks divided by the number of viewers in that second.
This graph compares the relative CTR (Click Through Rate) of each second of the video against the second with the highest CTR of the entire video. The CTR of a certain second equals the number of clicks divided by the number of viewers in that second.
This graph compares the relative CTR (Click Through Rate) of each second of the video against the second with the highest CTR of the entire video. The CTR of a certain second equals the number of clicks divided by the number of viewers in that second.
This graph compares the relative CTR (Click Through Rate) of each second of the video against the second with the highest CTR of the entire video. The CTR of a certain second equals the number of clicks divided by the number of viewers in that second.