Humans of TikTok: How to craft effective campaigns for every generation

August 29, 2024
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TikTok’s vast, incredibly diverse user base is what makes the platform so captivating. Like a kaleidoscope, it features stories, personalities, and creative expressions that swirl and shift with every swipe. This is because TikTok offers a digital common ground where people of every life stage can come together and connect over shared interests, whether in the form of dance challenges, memes, or viral products. It also empowers each generation to be their authentic selves and celebrate what makes them unique.

This multi-generational reach is why so many brands across various categories have found success advertising on TikTok, and why you, too, can dominate your market through the short-video platform. Young or old, your audience is here. Let’s get to know them better.

These are the three Generations of TikTok users:

  • Gen-Zs are trend-driven, career-oriented digital natives focused on the here and now and whose shopping behaviors are strongly guided by influencer culture and virality.

  • Millennials are a story-driven and socially conscious cohort, juggling family and career, and looking for authentic, compelling content and products aligned with their values.

  • Finally, Gen-X & Seniors are pragmatic, value-driven people who prioritize family and health and are drawn to offerings that provide convenience and clear benefits.

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Meet the Gen-Zs

Aged 18 to 28, Gen-Zs on TikTok skew female (61%) and are mostly single (65%). Of the three generations, Gen-Zs use TikTok most often and for the longest periods—39% can spend more than an hour on TikTok in a single session.

Gen-Zs are all about living in the moment. They are not yet bound by long-term responsibilities like raising kids or running a household. With fewer financial obligations than other age groups, they tend to prioritize immediate needs and wants and are the generation most invested in self-care (42%). While Gen-Zs are less focused on long-term planning, they are remarkably ambitious and career-driven. Building successful careers and increasing their income are top priorities for this generation.

Acutely tapped into the zeitgeist, Gen-Zs are easily swayed by what’s trending. When choosing products to buy, they rely on recommendations from their favorite celebrities and creators. Viral content has a strong hold on Gen-Zs, with 2 of 3 TikTok users saying it impacts their buying choices. At the same time, Gen-Z shoppers are savvy and keen on staying on-trend without always splurging, being 1.2x more likely to seek out budget-friendly dupes and affordable indulgences.

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Younger users value the convenient and seamless shopping experience, enjoying getting shopping inspiration directly on the app. Nearly 9 in 10 Gen-Zs have bought products from TikTok Shop. TikTok LIVE can also be an effective platform for Gen-Zs, with 39% having made a purchase from a livestream. The LIVE model is most effective among the Gen-Z market when promoting trendy products or hosted by creators and influencers they like.

Meet the Millennials

Spanning the ages of 29 to 43, most millennials are married (70%) or are parents (73%). Millennials are the most active generation posting on TikTok, with 43% publishing at least one video a day.

Millennials are passionate about making a positive impact on the world. They are 1.2x more likely to prefer working for companies promoting inclusivity. Of the generations on TikTok, they’re most likely to be vocal about topics and issues that are important to them, as well as the most open to new ideas and experiences. A common theme for Millennials is balancing their careers with family responsibilities: seeking opportunities to spend quality time with family without compromising their professional goals.

When it comes to shopping, Millennials are early adopters who are 1.3x more likely to purchase the latest products. They are the generation whose buying choices are most influenced by a brand’s story and prefer interactive shopping experiences as well as brands that respond to customers.

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Tech-savvy Millennials are drawn to online platforms offering new ways to discover and purchase products. They’re interested in topics related to parenting, home, and luxury now that they can enjoy their #adultmoney and pursue their personal aspirations while managing their #adulting responsibilities. Millennials enjoy entertaining videos with interactive elements or unexpected twists, but they’re also partial to content showcasing a brand story or demonstrating a company’s values.

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Shoppertainment is a huge driver for Millennials when it comes to TikTok Shop and LIVE. Over 9 in 10 users have made a purchase on TikTok Shop, and 41% of Millennials have bought products during a TikTok livestream. Much more than other generations, they find live shopping appealing when it’s entertainment-driven, such as when products are showcased in riveting ways.

Meet the Gen-Xs and Seniors

Aged 44 and above, 70% of Gen-Xs and Seniors are married and over 3 in 4 are parents. In their later stages of life, Gen-Xs and Seniors are practical and more risk-averse than younger generations. They value family and relationships and prioritize health and finances more than other age groups. Less focused on climbing the career ladder, their attention is now on saving for the future and preserving their assets.

Although they didn’t grow up with the Internet, this generation has adapted to the digital age. Their high level of comfort with new technologies isn’t far behind their younger counterparts, with 3 in 4 Gen-Xs and Seniors saying they adapt easily to technological advancements. On TikTok, this generation of users are the most frequent commenters.

Gen-X and Senior shoppers are 1.3x more likely to place a premium on efficiency and convenience. They appreciate seamless shopping experiences that save them time and effort. They are also meticulous consumers who conduct thorough research before making a purchase. Of the generations on TikTok, Gen-Xs and Seniors are most likely to be influenced by product demonstrations and authentic reviews.

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In the generations’ use of TikTok at each stage of the purchase journey, a notable shift occurs with Gen-Xs and Seniors. They use the platform most for researching products (84%) and evaluating their options (67%), which is related to their more info-driven approach to online shopping. For this age group, TikTok can be a robust resource for learning more about a product, watching demos and reviews, and making informed choices before hitting the checkout button.

Deals and discounts are what make TikTok Shop and LIVE compelling platforms for Gen-Xs and Seniors. 8 in 10 users have bought items from TikTok Shop, where attractive promotions win them over. They also appreciate TikTok livestreams for the bargains and the ability to interact with sellers. Over 4 in 10 Gen-Xs and Seniors have purchased products via TikTok LIVE.

How can you engage the different generations on TikTok?

Across age groups, TikTok users bring unique perspectives and priorities that shape the content that piques their interest and the way they shop on the platform. Understanding these nuances enables you to tailor your campaigns effectively and engage your target market, no matter which generation they belong to.

Start by building a strong foundation with your existing customer base. Create Custom Audiences to nurture loyalty and deliver personalized content to users already familiar with your brand. Next, expand your prospects. Cast a wide net with Broad Audiences restricted only by age. This sets you up for more granular targeting as you explore options like interests, behaviors, and spending power. Comb through our Humans on TikTok series so you can merge these generational insights with other audience attributes.

Successful TikTok strategies also benefit from retargeting, which re-engages users, deepens their connection to your brand, and boosts the likelihood of conversions. Finally, leverage TikTok’s Smart Targeting and Lookalike Audiences to optimize your campaigns. These advanced features empower the platform to show your ads to users sharing characteristics with your target audiences or likely to be interested in your brand.

Generation retargeting

TikTok is a gold mine for brands, offering limitless opportunities to reach multiple generations on a single platform. Whether you’re looking to engage Gen-Zs, Millennials, or Gen-Xs and Seniors, leverage TikTok’s targeting solutions to craft effective campaigns that captivate your audience and deliver exceptional results.

Hungry for more audience insights? Visit Humans of TikTok!