
Etam leveraged Video Shopping Ads for Enhanced Conversion Goals and Boost Performances

With Value Based Optimization
With Video Shopping Ads vs WebConversion
With Video Shopping Ads vs WebConversion


Focused on lower funnel objective, Etam used conversion to reach their e-commerce objective. Using our dedicated e-commerce format, Video Shopping Ads, made it possible to boost performances.


Using Value-Based Optimization with a performance always-on approach, Etam managed to drive audience strategy leveraging Remarketing audiences based on actions on the website to reach a qualified audience, driving the performances of the campaign.

Also, leveraging Video Shopping Ads increased performances with +129% ROAS and -57% CPA compared to Classic In-Feed Video.


The results of Etam's strategy were compelling:

- Achieved a +129% increase in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) when using Video Shopping Ads compared to WebConversion

- Reduced the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) by 57% when using Video Shopping Ads compared to WebConversion

- Always-On strategy allowed to unlock Value-Based Optimization, which achieved +96% in Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and -59% Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

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