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Success Stories


Boosting awareness for Mentos in the Netherlands

Mentos banner Mentos Logo
+32.2 %
Increase in Reach on TopView (vs forecast)
+17.3 %
Increase in Reach on Top Feed (vs forecast)

The Objective

Mints & Gum brand Mentos wanted to boost awareness for its 'Yes to Fresh' campaign in the Netherlands, so they came to TikTok to leverage our extensive audience.

The Solution

Mentos decided to run a creator-led campaign to make sure it connected with our community in the most authentic way. The creative featured zany creators popping a Mentos and then show what the freshness of Mentos brings for breaking routines and the mundane daily life. Resulting in free runners doing tricks while waiting for a bus or becoming a supportive and enthusiastic gym partner during the usual workout.


The brand wanted to amplify the reach of the creator content so they supported the creative with TopView Ads, Top Feed Ads and a subsequent Reach and Frequency In-Feed Ads flight with a reach objective.

The Results

Mentos' Yes to Fresh campaign shows the power of a creator-driven approach on TikTok. The brand managed to generate huge reach, with their TopView Ads performing 32.2% above forecast and their Top Feed Ads performing 17.3% above forecast. Fresh! 

quote marks - razzmatazz

Our expertise in the platform resulted in the advice to combine the two best placements. We gained continuous visibility with feed placement and with the fixed placement we boosted the awareness in one day. With TikTok we found the right partner who helped us to reach cost-effective results for Mentos within the target audience. The results exceeded our expectations, and helped us further improve our approach with valuable insights for future campaigns.

Kenneth Schuimer

quote marks - razzmatazz

With integrating TikTok in our Mentos Yes to Fresh campaign, we found new ways to connect with a new target audience. It helped us expand our reach next to the traditional media and bring our Mentos Yes to Fresh positioning to life by the use of various creators. The campaign was a successful acquaintance with TikTok, which led to an official Mentos Netherlands account, that has a growing fan base and engagement among youngsters every single day.

Paul Cudok

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