Win with PACE: Nestlé Philippines' Triumph in the 4.4 Summer Saya Campaign

Learn how Nestlé Philippines secured the top spot in the F&B category during TikTok Shop’s 4.4 Summer Saya Campaign with a strategic approach aligned with the right mix of persona, assortment, content, and empowerment.


About PACE: PACE is a step-by-step framework built on four pillars: Persona, Assortment, Content, and Empowerment, offering brands a way to craft a distinctive Shoppertainment experience to drive revenue growth through a seamless integration of media, content, and commerce on TikTok. Deep dive into PACE here.

Today's digital landscape offers a wealth of opportunities for brands to connect with always-online consumers. But in a sea of content, this comes with a challenge. Consumers are increasingly selective in their digital interactions, often filtering out ads perceived as disruptive or interruptions. To reach audiences effectively, brands must become more innovative in their advertising strategies.

According to research by Accenture, there have been three major shifts in shopping behaviors among APAC consumers:

Evolving APAC consumer behaviours

Conventional ads are no longer ideal. Nowadays, the best way for brands to reach their target market is through Shoppertainment, a content-driven approach that seeks to entertain and educate first, with shopping as a natural outcome.

Shoppertainment works because it integrates content and community—two cornerstones of the digital experiences people crave—to foster deeper brand connections and ultimately drives sales.

TikTok is leading the age of Shoppertainment and to help brands craft a unique experience that effectively takes their audiences from discovery to purchase, we've developed a step-by-step framework called PACE.

Nestlé, the world's largest Food and Beverage (F&B) company, is one of the first movers establishing their presence on TikTok Shop. This has allowed them to reach more consumers – engaging their customers with entertaining content and making their products more accessible – providing easy access to high quality, nutritious, delicious and affordable products.

How Nestlé outpaced category markers in the 4.4 Summer Saya campaign

During TikTok Shop’s 4.4 Summer Saya Campaign, Nestlé achieved outstanding results and emerged as the top brand in the F&B category.

Nestle's 4.4 Summer Campaign

These achievements were driven by a combination of campaign-exclusive product listings, extended livestreams, and strategic Shop Ads.

Nestlé not only secured its position as a category leader but also showcased its agility and innovation in the digital marketplace by formulating its strategy around Persona, Assortment, Content, and Empowerment. Here’s how each of the PACE elements played a part in Nestlé’s TikTok triumph.

Persona: Knowing the target audience well

Identifying audience personas is the first step in devising an impactful Shoppertainment strategy based on the PACE framework. Persona is not just about identifying key demographics such as age, gender, income, and location. It’s also about developing a deep understanding of customers’ psychographics: their interests, goals, values, attitudes, and lifestyles, even their pain points. These insights are crucial in aligning a brand’s offerings with its audience’s needs and desires. They are also key to creating content that resonates with the target market.

Because it offers many product ranges, Nestlé has a multitude of target personas. For example, the brand identified Gen MZ's who are struggling to achieve a balanced lifestyle as its target persona for Nestea Cleanse, a product in its Wellness range. For the Nestea Cleanse campaign, Nestlé tapped onto creators fit for their target demographic. Aligning content with the right target persona enabled Nestlé to scale sales successfully with a 2.2x uplift in GMV for Nestea Cleanse products.

Assortment: Optimizing TikTok Shop product mix

Assortment involves creating an effective product mix on TikTok Shop to uplift both Traffic and Average Order Value (AOV). Novelty, popularity, and relevance are among the factors brands can consider when curating price-product-promo combinations and devising ways to communicate these offerings to consumers. They should also keep in mind that the right merchandising strategy goes beyond simply boosting sales. It also builds a stronger connection with audiences and grows a brand’s loyal following.

Nestlé applied these principles by optimizing its TikTok store design and product listings, from titles to images and descriptions. Nestlé made its products more appealing to high-intent shoppers browsing products on the platform. These efforts resulted in a 1.5x growth in Nestlé’s Shop Tab GMV vs BAU.

Nestle Product Detail & Homepage

Content: Drawing viewers into the discovery-to-purchase loop

Content is at the heart of the Shoppertainment approach—it’s the compelling force that pulls people into the sales funnel, sparking their interest and propelling them from product discovery to checkout. On TikTok, variety and volume are key to engaging with diverse audiences. Brands need to build excellent content engines, whether with their own short videos and livestreams or through collaborations with TikTok affiliates and creators.

Nestlé optimized its 4.4 Summer Saya Campaign content with extended livestreams and influencer collaborations. The livestream set designs were both welcoming and professional, prominently showcasing Nestlé brands relevant to the Summer Campaign to grab viewers’ attention and drive purchase. Nestlé also amplified the campaign by fostering stronger consumer connections through engaging livestreams where viewers can engage real time and video content that communicates the summer campaign. These content strategies led to a 2.4x surge in Nestlé’s Self-Live GMV growth vs BAU.

Nestle Livestream

Empowerment: Leveraging TikTok ad solutions for a full-funnel strategy

The final piece of the PACE framework is Empowerment, which involves an effective media mix and investment to ensure a brand’s content reaches the right audiences at the right time. TikTok provides a full-funnel suite of advertising solutions brands’ media and e-commerce teams can leverage as they work toward shared goals.

Nestlé’s Empowerment strategy entailed all three Shop Ads formats: Live Shopping Ads (LSA), Video Shopping Ads (VSA), and Product Shopping Ads (PSA). It focused on relevant ad types to drive traffic to it channel. These campaigns bolstered brand visibility and created a huge uptick in Nestlé’s content community and TikTok Shop followers. With these, Nestlé achieved a 1.3x increase in Ads GMV for its 4.4 campaign vs BAU.

Step up the PACE of your growth on TikTok Shop

By applying the step-by-step PACE framework—identifying clear audience personas and letting these inform product assortment and content strategy, then tying these together with empowered advertising solutions from TikTok—Nestlé created an immersive Shoppertainment experience that kept viewers hooked from discovery to purchase. The F&B giant’s accomplishments with PACE illustrate how these principles strengthen your brand’s TikTok advertising efforts and set you up for Shoppertainment success.

We aim to inspire and support small and medium businesses by sharing our journey including learnings and milestones. TikTok's innovative platform provides opportunities for smaller businesses to showcase and grow their products and services. With the right tools and products, we look forward to seeing them succeed

Stephanie Sy, Head of Digital Transformation, Nestlé Philippines

Ready to harness the power of PACE? Learn more about the framework or take the PACE Quiz to see if your brand is ready to make an impact on consumers with Shoppertainment.