Success Stories


Pet supplies/services brand Pethroom explores efficient ways to run web conversion campaigns by leveraging improved data obtained through Cafe 24 server-to-server integration on TikTok

Pethroom Pethroom
-71 %
Lower CPA
vs. before optimisation
10.8 x
Higher CVR
vs. before optimisation
6.1 x
Higher ROAS
vs. before optimisation

About this Campaign

Pethroom, a pet supplies and services brand in Korea, collaborated with AD Efficiency, a media agency, to enhance their web conversion campaigns on TikTok. Seeking to improve campaign efficiency, they focused on better ad delivery and optimization by securing improved user signals. To achieve this, they explored using Cafe 24's Events API to establish server-to-server integration between their website and TikTok.

Solution in detail

With a simple toggle-on, Pethroom was able to simultaneously leverage both TikTok's Pixel and Cafe24's Events API to significantly increase the quantity and quality of data used for advertising.

Based on the improved signals on user activity from the brand website, Pethroom and TikTok partnered to identify factors that would be effective in improving key KPIs for the brand effectively, such as CPA and ROAS. The team also worked on a hypothesis and test design to validate this, and then ran optimisation tests for about 30 days to gather insights on this strategy.


Through server-to-server integration, the team developed effective targeting, and campaign setting strategies to improve Pethroom's key KPIs. The test showed significant improvements in Pethroom's key KPI metrics, with CPA decreasing by 71.4%, CVR increasing by 10.8 times, and ROAS improving by 6.1 times.

Find out more about how you can implement TikTok Pixel and Events API here.

Pethroom collaborated with AD Efficiency, leveraging their deep TikTok expertise, to apply a structured methodology for performance optimization. We plan to use the data from future campaigns to maintain scientific performance measurement and continuous improvement.

AD Efficiency