Success Stories

Domino's Spain

Supporting Domino's Pizza establish its app as the preferred shopping platform.

COVER 1366x450 LOGO 128x128-FONDO-BLANCO
-50 %
decrease in CPA (vs optimizing towards Installs)
4.42 pp
ROAS on Android campaigns

The Objective

Domino's Pizza, a globally recognised pizza and restaurant chain, stands out for its widespread popularity and market dominance. With a strong focus on digital marketing, the company continues to expand and evolve. In the Spanish market, Domino's wanted to drive app purchases through the '3X1 on all pizzas' campaign.

Their goal was not only to establish the app as the preferred purchasing platform, but also to encourage users to come back to the app again and again. They wanted to evaluate TikTok's impact on in-app purchase campaigns and use data analysis to improve decision-making.

To achieve these goals, it was critical to provide guidance on following best practices for account structure, establishing reliable data connections to collect high-quality signals, and implementing effective attribution models.

The Solution

Domino's began its strategy by launching app promotion campaigns, optimising for installs to drive consistent app downloads. They structured their approach with TikTok to ensure performance growth and encourage users to not only download but also engage with the app. In a second phase of the campaign, they optimised for purchase events to drive sales during their 3x1 promotion.

While the TikTok campaign was primarily targeted at the app, customers were also able to access the promotion through Domino's website. It was therefore critical to track and correctly attribute events to accurately capture the entire customer journey. The TikTok team helped Domino's transition to SAN (Self-Attributing Network), a new MMP (Mobile Measurement Partner) integration.

SAN provided advertisers with greater visibility into the true impact of TikTok and a deeper understanding of performance drivers, improving the measurement of conversions, CPA and ROAS generated by the TikTok campaigns. It ensured more accurate tracking and reporting of conversions through the TikTok Ads Manager.

The Results

The Domino's campaign delivered impressive results that exceeded expectations. The move to a self-attributing network and the adoption of an omni-channel strategy helped improve tracking and attribution, increasing the overall effectiveness of the campaign.

The brand successfully expanded its app strategy while driving new user purchases, resulting in a significant reduction in cost per purchase, with a 48% for iOS campaigns and over 50% for Android campaigns. Furthermore, a remarkable ROAS of 4.42 was achieved on Android campaigns based on internal performance metrics.

In addition to creating native and tailored content compared to other media, TikTok allows us to achieve our business objectives. This campaign is further proof that creativity and performance go hand in hand on this platform.

Dany Morales
Social & Digital Comms Manager

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