Learn from 3 entertainment brands making their mark with TikTok

maj 28, 2024
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With over a billion people coming to the platform every month for content relating to film, TV, music and more, entertainment lives on TikTok. And it affects decisions made off-platform too: 90% of Nordic users agree that TikTok plays a role in shaping their entertainment preferences and choices [1] and 50% of Italian users want to watch films or shows they've seen related content about on TikTok [2].

That's why media & entertainment brands that leverage our platform to connect with audiences are achieving incredible results. If you want to use TikTok to take your business to new heights, take inspiration from these brands who have leveraged the platform and seen game-changing results across the funnel.

1. Building hype for Warner Bros.

Warner Bros wanted to build hype for the release of its new The Flash movie and encourage the TikTok community to watch it in cinemas, so it enlisted some TikTok creators and utilised our Branded Mission and Branded Effect solutions to highly engage the community. The buzz created was then used to drive the community to a dedicated landing page, where they could find the closest cinemas to go and watch the movie. The campaign was a great success, with the branded effect achieving a 7.2% engagement rate and boosting ad recall by 11pp and awareness by 16pp.

Marketer takeaway: An industry-first solution, Branded Mission enables advertisers to crowdsource content from TikTok creators, turn top-performing videos into ads and improve brand affinity with media impressions. It's a great way to develop authentic and highly entertaining creative to spark meaningful engagement with your audience on TikTok.

2. Raising awareness for Spotify

Spotify Germany partnered with the German UN-Refugee Agency and UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe (UNHCR) to raise awareness for refugees, and generate donations. The brand wanted to put real stories of real refugees and the heart of their campaign, so they developed creative that felt truly native and authentic to the platform to educate the TikTok community. This creative was boosted as In-Feed Ads, a solution that combines wide reach with deep engagement. Sitting natively in the For You feed, the ads maintain a subtle presence that encourages user engagement.

The campaign performed exceptionally well, rallying over 13 million video views and over 205,000 interactions, thus demonstrating how engaged the community became.

Marketer takeaway: Authenticity is key on TikTok, so going TikTok-first and maintaining an authentic voice and identity on the platform means brands can show a side of their personality that feels genuine and relatable, thereby creating a more intimate connection and fostering relevancy with TikTok audiences. Find out more about creating content that is native to the platform in our Creative Codebook.

3. Driving conversions for Hideout Festival

Hideout Festival wanted to reach new audiences, create interest and desire with more engaging content, and ultimately drive more ticket sales. The brand quickly established that lo-fi content outperformed polished brand assets, so the strategy focused on using paid creative that felt native to the platform. Hideout’s content showed users the full experience of attending the festival, from experiencing live music to DJ moments, to having fun with friends and being on holiday. It was then amplified through Creator Partnerships, Spark Ads, Lead Generation Forms and Countdown Stickers.

As a result of the campaign, 62% of all tickets sold via paid advertising were attributed to TikTok. The account also saw a doubling of its followers.

Marketer takeaway: The most successful content on TikTok is created specifically for the platform, so an always-on test-and-learn approach that utilises organic content and paid ads will pay dividends. Work with creative production experts using the TikTok Creative Exchange (TTCX), our one-stop solution that enables fast, scalable high-performing video production for TikTok.

A campaign that's just the ticket

Content on TikTok doesn't just drive interest, it drives actions, leading users on a journey from discovery and awareness all the way through to conversion and advocacy. To maximise impact on the platform, prioritise creativity and entertainment for both performance and brand objectives. Learn more about the media & entertainment opportunity and how you can leverage it in this blog post.

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Sources 1. TikTok Marketing Science SE+DK Media & Entertainment Survey 2023, conducted via AYTM  (Base: TikTok users, n=600) 2. TikTok Marketing Science IT ENTERTAINMENT Survey 2023, conducted by AYTM (Base: TikTok users, n=600)
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