Success Stories


Helping advertisers manage comments more effectively through the TikTok App Center.

BrandBastion BrandBastion logo
1 in 3
advertisers installed BrandBastion*
30 %
click-to-install rate*
hours saved per month using BrandBastion**
The objective

Enhancing comment engagement for TikTok advertisers

BrandBastion offers advanced social media engagement solutions to help brands protect their reputations, enhance customer interactions, and drive growth. They work with top brands such as Netflix, Uber, Sephora, and Red Bull. Their solutions include fully managed moderation, community management services, and an advanced AI platform for effective online conversation management.

TikTok is celebrated for its highly engaged user base, creating a vibrant space for advertisers to connect with audiences. The immense volume of comments on ads reflects this engagement and presents a positive challenge in terms of management and response.

BrandBastion understood that advertisers needed an efficient way to handle these interactions to strengthen brand awareness and engage effectively with their audience. Recognizing this, BrandBastion partnered with the TikTok App Center to develop a solution that would streamline the process, allowing advertisers to manage comments more effectively and sustain high engagement levels without leaving TikTok.

The solution

Introducing BrandBastion on TikTok App Center

By seamlessly integrating its advanced social media management solution into the TikTok App Center and leveraging TikTok's API for Business, BrandBastion equips advertisers with powerful tools for real-time monitoring, robust moderation, and efficient engagement capabilities.

Key features for advertisers include:

  • Centralized comment management: Consolidating comments from multiple ad accounts into a unified inbox for streamlined management.

  • Priority comment highlighting: Swiftly identifying and highlighting comments that require immediate responses.

  • Faster ways to reply: Enabling advertisers to respond with one click using customized brand voice prompts and saved replies.

  • Automated moderation: Automatically detecting and managing harmful content such as spam or inappropriate comments to maintain a safe brand environment and minimize manual moderation efforts.

  • Customizable alerts: Allowing advertisers to set alerts for specific keywords or high comment volumes, facilitating proactive responses and maintaining campaign responsiveness.

  • Actionable analytics: Providing detailed insights into comment volume trends, reactions, views, average response times, and more to optimize engagement strategies.

  • Content and audience insights: Offering comprehensive analytics on the most commented posts, top languages used in comments, active users, and engagement levels with the brand.

  • Visualization tools: Visual representations like word clouds highlight the most used words and emojis for deeper audience understanding.

The results

Engaging success effectively

BrandBastion participated in the soft launch of the TikTok App Center, providing a robust social management tool for advertisers. This integration allowed advertisers to efficiently manage their TikTok interactions, responding to comments quickly and moderating content directly within the platform.

BrandBastion’s early involvement in the TikTok App Center significantly boosted their app's visibility, with one in three TikTok advertisers that participated in the TikTok App Center installing it during the soft launch. Additionally, BrandBastion achieved a 30% click-to-install rate from the App Center homepage, demonstrating strong interest and engagement from advertisers. Utilizing the BrandBastion app can save advertisers up to 102 hours per month if they manage around 5,000 comments monthly.

The advertiser Intense Oud reported that by using the BrandBastion app, they were able to reduce the time spent on replying to customers by approximately 37%, from 5 hours 45 minutes to 3 hours 36 minutes.

*Results from the soft launch of TikTok’s App Center

** Average hours saved with essential plan for 5,000 comments per month, and replying to 15% of total comments. BrandBastion calculated potential hours saved by estimating that each human moderates 60 comments per hour, and spends 5 minutes per reply if these tasks are done manually on a social media platform. Additionally, they assumed a conservative 70% assistance rate from BrandBastion's automated features, such as auto-hide and one-click replies or saved replies.

This is a TikTok case study and is solely for informational purposes. Past performance does not guarantee or predict future performance. All claims related to brand products including, without limitation, the effectiveness, sales, or quality of such products are brand-reported and not endorsed or verified by TikTok.
quote marks - razzmatazz

Partnering with TikTok has been amazing for BrandBastion. By seamlessly integrating within TikTok’s ecosystem, we help advertisers ensure brand safety, optimize engagement, and ultimately drive better performance on one of today's most impactful advertising platforms. We've loved working with the TikTok team!

Jenny Wolfram
CEO & Founder, BrandBastion