Success stories

Ristorante Pizza by Dr. Oetker

Slicing through the competition with Branded Mission, Interactive Add-Ons and Top Feed

Hero banner Logo white bg
78 M
Video Views
8.6 %
lift in Ad Recall
12 M
Impressions through Branded Mission
The objective

Cooking up increased awareness and engagement

In the bustling world of Food & Beverage, Ristorante Pizza, a flagship brand under Dr. Oetker, has carved out a significant niche for itself. With an increased market share and a keen eye on the younger demographic, Ristorante Pizza looked to slice through the competition with TikTok. Aiming to spice up engagement and awareness among 18+ English and French speaking Canadians, the brand wanted to establish itself as the go-to choice for frozen pizza.

The solution

Melting into the hearts of younger audiences with a targeted campaign

Ristorante Pizza has been a trailblazer on TikTok since 2021, adopting a mix of TikTok's dynamic ad features to whip up engaging campaigns. To connect with their identified target demographic, Ristorante Pizza looked to TikTok yet again to amplify its presence through engaging content, testing new innovative ad products, and leveraging partnerships with TikTok creators over a 3 month flight period. 

The brand kicked off the Ristorante campaign by leveraging TikTok Creative Exchange (TTCX) for video content packages (VCP) for the first time, remixing old brand assets and adapting them for the platform, as well as developing new pieces that followed a TikTok-first aproach. Shortly after, they implemented Branded Mission, which encouraged creators to share their “Ristorante Pizza Aura” using a fun Branded Effect.

For the creative during the second phase of the campaign, Ristorante Pizza leveraged a creator-led package (CLP) in partnership with one of TikTok's Marketing Partners, Later Influence™, and worked with 8 food and lifestyle creators to produce 3 videos each, based on unique pizza moments. The videos authentically highlighted a variety of moments, including impromptu date nights, hangouts with friends and holiday season. These creatives were used to build on the brand’s messaging using the Interactive Add-On: Story Selection ad format, asking audiences to pick their favourite pizza moments. The holiday-themed creatives also ran as Top Feed ads for the week of Christmas, to generate mass awareness and stay top of mind during the holiday season.

Lastly, a Brand Lift Study was conducted to measure incremental lift in Ad Recall and provide any further insight into the effectiveness of the campaign.

The results

Upper funnel success baked to perfection

Ristorante Pizza's strategic layering of TikTok's ad solutions and creator partnerships led to a noticeable rise in brand awareness among the targeted younger demographic garnering an impressive 78M video views, 12M impressions solely through Branded Mission and an 8.6% lift in Ad Recall. Through the innovative use of TikTok solutions and thoughtful engagement with the TikTok community, Ristorante Pizza by Dr. Oetker has solidified its place in the hearts and minds of young Canadians, one slice at a time!

This is a TikTok case study and is solely for informational purposes. Past performance does not guarantee or predict future performance. All claims regarding the effectiveness or quality of products are brand-reported and not endorsed or verified by TikTok.
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Dr. Oetker Canada believes in the potential of leveraging digital media channels to reach a wider audience and build brand power. Partnering with TikTok to develop breakthrough creative content has been instrumental in exposing younger audiences to our industry-leading Ristorante Pizza brand in a fun and memorable way. We are proud to be the one of the first CPG companies in Canada to deploy TikTok’s Branded Mission initiative, which was a big success in driving brand recognition and engagement. We look forward to continuing working with TikTok in future campaigns, as they continue to introduce innovative ways to engage with audiences.

Indresh Kohli, Executive Head of Marketing
Dr. Oetker Canada

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