People can be directed to the landing page by clicking on a specific area of TikTok videos with Branded Effect.
The clickable area is a part of the Branded Effect design and can only be applied to a single 2D image layer.
If the clickable area is applied to 2D Hand/Face Effect, then the area size must be < 200*200px. If it's applied to 2D Foreground Effect, then the area size must be < 250*540px
The Hint Pattern must be added to the effect as a part of the design to show people how to use the effect. The Hint Pattern features isn't supported by TikTok Ads Manager and must be built into the effect's design.
Hint Pattern size: 50x170px.
You must provide a rounded image (64x64px)
Keep the important information within the core area of 46*46px to avoid important information being trimmed from the circle crop.
Pop-Up Icon size: < 100kb.
Up to 40 English characters (doesn't support emojis and special symbols).
You must provide one external link:
Direct users to another app: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://” AND a schema URL (e.g:ulikeabroad://main/looks?looks_id=8002612)
Direct users to app store: You must provide a OneLink.
Direct users to a landing page: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://”
People can be directed to the landing page by clicking on the conversion badge while trying the effect.
Up to 20 English characters (doesn't support emojis and special symbols).
You must provide one external link:
Direct users to another app: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://” AND a schema URL (e.g:ulikeabroad://main/looks?looks_id=8002612)
Direct users to app store: You must provide a OneLink.
Direct users to a landing page: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://”
The Shoot button on the Branded Effect page will be locked in must-buy mode. People can scan the effect QR Code to unlock the shooting feature.
Keep the text under 100 English characters. The text should inform the user to unlock the effect.
You must provide one external link explaining how to unlock your Branded Effect (H5 is preferred). You can use a link to a TikTok video explaining how to unlock the branded effect
The external link cannot be redirect to another app.
If you use a WebView URL, you need to provide the full URL starting with "https://"
If you use a TikTok URL, you need to provide the TikTok URL address. To get the URL, click the Share button on TikTok and tap the link to copy it.
To estimate the character length for non-English assets, please download the document below.
All assets must be approved by the TikTok Monetization Integrity team.
No impressions guaranteed.
Doesn't support third party tracking isn't supported.