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TikTok Branded Effect - Additional Function Specs
Last updated: May 2024

In-Video Call-to-Action


People can be directed to the landing page by clicking on a specific area of TikTok videos with Branded Effect.


Creative Specs

Clickable Area

  • ​The clickable area is a part of the Branded Effect design and can only be applied to a single 2D image layer.

  • ​If the clickable area is applied to 2D Hand/Face Effect, then the area size must be < 200*200px. If it's applied to 2D Foreground Effect, then the area size must be < 250*540px

Hint Pattern

  • ​The Hint Pattern must be added to the effect as a part of the design to show people how to use the effect. The Hint Pattern features isn't supported by TikTok Ads Manager and must be built into the effect's design.

  • ​Hint Pattern size: 50x170px.

Pop-Up Icon

  • ​You must provide a rounded image (64x64px)

  • ​Keep the important information within the core area of 46*46px to avoid important information being trimmed from the circle crop.

  • ​Pop-Up Icon size: < 100kb.

Pop-Up Text

Up to 40 English characters (doesn't support emojis and special symbols).

External Link

You must provide one external link:

  • ​Direct users to another app: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://” AND a schema URL (e.g:ulikeabroad://main/looks?looks_id=8002612)

  • ​Direct users to app store: You must provide a OneLink.

  • ​Direct users to a landing page: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://”

In-Camera Call-to-Action


People can be directed to the landing page by clicking on the conversion badge while trying the effect.


Creative Specs

CTA Icon

  • ​Automatic.

CTA Text

Up to 20 English characters (doesn't support emojis and special symbols).

External Link

You must provide one external link:

  • ​Direct users to another app: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://” AND a schema URL (e.g:ulikeabroad://main/looks?looks_id=8002612)

  • ​Direct users to app store: You must provide a OneLink.

  • ​Direct users to a landing page: You must provide a web URL that starts with “https://”

Unlockable Branded Effect


The Shoot button on the Branded Effect page will be locked in must-buy mode. People can scan the effect QR Code to unlock the shooting feature.


Creative Specs

Unlockable Branded Effect Pop-Up

Keep the text under 100 English characters. The text should inform the user to unlock the effect.

Unlockable Branded Effect External Link

  • ​You must provide one external link explaining how to unlock your Branded Effect (H5 is preferred). You can use a link to a TikTok video explaining how to unlock the branded effect

  • ​The external link cannot be redirect to another app.

    • ​If you use a WebView URL, you need to provide the full URL starting with "https://"

    • ​If you use a TikTok URL, you need to provide the TikTok URL address. To get the URL, click the Share button on TikTok and tap the link to copy it.


  • ​To estimate the character length for non-English assets, please download the document below.

Branded_Effect_Multilanguage_Character_Count_Conversion .xls (18.55 KB)
  • ​All assets must be approved by the TikTok Monetization Integrity team.

  • ​No impressions guaranteed.

  • ​Doesn't support third party tracking isn't supported.