How a TikTok-first creative approach can take sales to a new level

Fybeca portada
314 k
USD Revenue generated
16.3 k
Purchases attributed in stores
+21 %
ROAS vs brand historic
The objective

Reaching diverse audiences of interest thanks to TikTok

Fybeca, one of the leading brands in pharmaceutical retail in Ecuador, chose TikTok as a strategic partner in its quest to increase offline purchases. For this new campaign, we seek to connect with audiences diverse in age, interests and consumption present on the platform and generate awareness in order to increase those conversions in stores, so the brand recognized the potential of the platform at the audience level to reach all types of consumers, seeking to take advantage of the trends and practices of the platform to maximize impact and loyalty.

The Solution

TikTok Creativity First: A Winning Mindset

Thanks to previous forays into the platform and a strategy informed by other success stories, the brand developed a TikTok-first creativity mindset that was key to the eventual success in boosting offline sales, recognizing and acting on trends on the platform. This knowledge of TikTok was explored in detail from a creative perspective, focusing the strategy on three fundamental pillars.

The first, the reach in diversity of audiences. TikTok is a platform recognized for the cultural impact it has generated on users of all kinds, which allowed Fybeca to connect with demographics crucial to its long-term growth. The brand used relevant and engaging content to capture the audience's attention, leveraging their preference for TikTok's visual and dynamic content.

The second, the generation of creative content, going so far as to produce short and creative videos that not only informed about products and promotions but also entertained and educated about health and wellness topics. For this, platform formats such as trending videos, comedy videos and short animations with prominent promotions in the first seconds were used to maximize engagement. This methodology is called TikTok first and is based on not thinking about ads, but thinking about TikToks that make the experience organic and pleasant on the platform.

Finally, the third fundamental pillar was the humanization of the brand. Through TikTok, Fybeca was able to get emotionally closer to its preferred target, introducing its employees, sharing stories of satisfied customers, and supporting social causes that resonate with the audience.

The result

Brand awareness of TikTok proves value

Fybeca's campaign, run between January and February 2024, generated impressive results, cementing TikTok as a primary marketing channel for the brand. For every dollar invested on TikTok, the brand earned $42.48 in return (ROAS), demonstrating an extremely effective use of the advertising budget. In addition, the campaign generated revenue of 314k USD, driving more than 16.3k purchases in physical stores attributable to TikTok, with an average purchase ticket of 18.7 USD. In turn, the cost per offline conversion was 0.67 USD, underscoring the efficiency of the platform in terms of cost per acquisition.

These results are further enhanced when the brand's historical average is taken into account, achieving a 21% increase in ROAS compared to the historical average. An effort that proves time and again the effectiveness of TikTok-first creativity and how knowing in detail the trends of the platform lead to a significant impact on results beyond digital environments.

quote marks - razzmatazz

TikTok has become a key medium for Fybeca's digital strategy, by measuring the influence of ads on the sale of our physical stores we managed to increase the return on investment and see positive results.

Sofía Beltrán
Digital Marketing Head, Corporación GPF