Maximize full-funnel performance on TikTok: expert insights from Smartly

September 05, 2024

Discover the art of driving conversions at every stage with Smartly. Learn how to craft high-performing content that takes viewers from discovery to purchase, and see how Smartly's solutions enhance the consumer journey on TikTok.

Commerce 2

TikTok has revolutionized how brands connect with consumers, offering endless opportunities to drive discovery, consideration, and conversions. Through engaging content and ad formats, users stay entertained and connected, fostering an infinite loop of discovery, review, and participation.Let's take a look at how to drive full-funnel performance on your TikTok advertising strategy with Smartly, a badged TikTok Marketing Partner.

1. Drive value through discovery

TikTok excels in driving product discovery through its targeted ads and highly engaging For You page. 61% of users globally have discovered new products on the platform.¹ Smartly enhances this discovery process by providing advanced creative tools and automation, allowing brands to create impactful content at scale.

2. Connect with audiences through consideration

Users also actively search on TikTok. The platform's entertaining content leaves users eager to learn more, turning to recommendations and comments for informed purchase decisions. 45% of users continued searching for more information on the platform after discovering something on TikTok.² Smartly's Dynamic Video Templates help brands capitalize on this, enabling the creation of personalized and optimized ad campaigns that drive high engagement and consideration.

3. Convert interest into action

The transition from consideration to conversion is seamless on TikTok. The platform's commerce solutions facilitate an ongoing cycle of discovery and conversion, with Video Shopping Ads playing a pivotal role. After seeing a Shop Ad experience, 64% agree “it makes me want to learn more about the product or brand featured” and 78% are likely to make a purchase from the brand.³ Smartly, as TikTok’s first Video Shopping Ads API partner, empowers brands to create dynamic ads that fit seamlessly into the FYP, driving users from browsing to buying effectively.

4. Post-purchase advocacy

TikTok's impact doesn't end at conversion. Post-purchase, users continue to engage with brands by creating content with authentic product reviews. When TikTok was part of the ecommerce journey, 49% of users created a post about the product/brand they purchased [3]. This post-purchase engagement serves as new discovery and consideration touchpoints for other users, transforming the traditional purchase funnel into an infinite loop.

Leverage Creative Codes for maximum impact

The best way to create high-performing content is to leverage the six Creative Codes identified by TikTok's Marketing Science team to maximize brand impact across the purchase funnel. At a high level, those codes are:

  • TikTok-First: Embrace native, unpolished content.

  • Trends: Leverage trending hashtags and topics.

  • Production: Partner with creators for authentic content.

  • Structure: Start with a strong hook.

  • Stimulation: Use text overlays and make your brand the hero.

  • Sound: Utilize music and sound effects strategically.

The power of Smartly for TikTok campaigns

Smartly offers a comprehensive suite of creative and campaign management tools to drive TikTok conversion and enable brands to:

  • Create scalable, engaging ads.

  • Consolidate and streamline media strategies.

  • Optimize performance with real-time data and insights.

TikTok's unique platform coupled with Smartly’s innovative tools provide advertisers with countless opportunities to engage with consumers throughout their journey from discovery to conversion to post-purchase advocacy.

Leveraging TikTok’s power with Smartly's solutions can significantly enhance your brand's impact and drive sustained growth. Ready to take your TikTok strategy to the next level? Dive deeper into how TikTok and Smartly can transform your brand’s consumer journey by checking out the full content below.


  1. TikTok Marketing Science Global Retail Path-to-Purchase Study 2021

  2. TikTok Marketing Science Global TikTok as a Discovery Engine Study 2023, conducted by Material

  3. TikTok Marketing Science Global Ecommerce Study 2022 conducted by Material

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