
3 ways auto brands can drive results with TikTok

29 May, 2024
2024 Vertical Marketing Blog Assets AUTO3

With attitudes towards vehicle ownership and mobility shifting, automotive brands need to work harder to build long-term brand equity and drive purchase consideration among consumers. TikTok offers brands a shortcut to an engaged and ready audience, allowing businesses to convert branding into sales.

On TikTok, views of auto-related hashtags saw an +81% year on year increase globally [1], and an incredible 641% year on year growth in the German market [2]. This has lead to a substantial real-world impact for brands off-platform, with 72% of users visiting or planning to visit a car manufacturer's website and 60% visiting or planning to visit a car dealership after seeing car content or ads on TikTok [3].

The main screen of choice for many consumers, our immersive, sound-on platform is well-positioned to help auto brands reach their target audiences: 46% of TikTok users agree that they turn to TikTok to inform themselves about essential auto information and 57% agree that TikTok has positively changed their perception of a car brand [4], meaning the opportunity for success on the platform is huge.

To learn how your auto brand can drive success on TikTok, read on.

Engage the drivers of tomorrow, today

TikTok has fundamentally changed how consumers make decisions about vehicles by turning the marketing funnel into an infinite flywheel. And with 3 in 5 TikTok users in the market to purchase or lease a vehicle in the next 12 months [4], there is a golden opportunity for brands to connect with this primed-for-purchase audience wherever they are in their purchasing journey.

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What this means for auto brands

With 1 in 2 TikTok users coming across auto content daily, brands should ensure they have a holistic and impactful presence on the platform in order to tap into our hyper-engaged community of auto-lovers [3]. Here are three tips to help you craft the best campaigns to engage your audience.

1. Produce creative that converts

62% of users agree that TikTok allows car brands to show their brand personality and 59% agree the platform allows car brands to build a stronger connection with their users, so surfacing this community with regular and impactful content is imperative for brands wanting to see results [4]. See below for the types of content your audience wants to see from your brand.

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To get started, check out our creative codebook or work with creative production experts using the TikTok Creative Exchange (TTCX), our one-stop solution that enables fast, scalable high-performing video production for TikTok.

2. Work with creators

Partnering with TikTok creators enables brands to establish connections with users and enhance trust, leading to increased brand exposure and potential conversions: 41% of users agree that they are influenced by well-known TikTok creators when making any auto-related decisions [5].

See how BMW partnered with @olima_omega and @coexxiist for their perception-shifting campaign, then explore the TikTok Creator Marketplace (TTCM) to find the right creators for your brand.

3. Go for gold with a full-funnel strategy

For auto consumers, the journey down the marketing funnel is typically longer compared to other purchases, meaning that brands need to nurture relationships with an always-on strategy.

We recommend combining upper-funnel brand-building products such as TopView, TopFeed or Focused View with Lead Generation to drive consideration and sign-up for test drives.

Learn how Peugeot's full-funnel campaign drove a massive 76% increase in purchase intent with their audience, then explore TikTok Ads Manager or speak to your rep to find the right strategy for your brand.

Get your show on the road

Our community's desire for automotive content continues to grow day by day. Tap into our platform by leveraging the above insights and guidance to develop an always-on full-funnel strategy that features both organic content and paid media to drive growth and boost conversions. For more on how TikTok works for auto brands, discover how Vauxhall used TikTok to drive more than 75,000 clicks to their landing page!

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1. TikTok Internal Data, Global, Jan-Dec 2023 v Jan-Dec 2022, #auto related video views 2. TikTok Internal Data, DE, Jan 2021 - July 2023, monthly views based on auto related hashtags 3. TikTok Marketing Science ES Auto Survey 2023, conducted by AYTM 4. TikTok Marketing Science DE Auto Survey 2023, conducted via AYTM 5. TikTok Marketing Science UK Auto Survey 2023, conducted via AYTM
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