Success Story

Mercedes-Benz Vans

Measuring TikTok´s performance in Media Mix and the effect of Native Lead Gen campaign

-54 %
Cost per Lead vs Benchmarks
+42 %
Conversion Rate vs Benchmarks
2.2 x
TikTok efficiency vs Total digital

The Objective

As a leading premium brand, Mercedes-Benz Vans' main objective was to promote and increase sales of the V-Class and its 100% electric version, the EQV. To achieve this, they collaborated with their media agency teamx, to run Video Views campaigns and TikTok Native LeadGen for the first time, to cost-effectively increase the number of quality leads for both models and have a greater impact on final sales.

The Solution

Mercedes-Benz Vans needed to achieve several objectives. Firstly, to raise awareness of their V-Class and EQV 100% electric model within the platform, then to get potential users to consider them, and finally to convert these leads into sales. To do this, they took advantage of all that TikTok has to offer, launching branding campaigns and native LeadGen solutions within TikTok to reach luxury users.

On the other hand, in order to discover the true impact of each channel and media within the media plan, and to understand the role of TikTok among them, they undertook a Media Mix Modelling (MMM) study conducted by Annalect, the data, analytics and technology unit of Omnicom Media Group.

The Results

With this strategy based on Native LeadGen, Mercedes-Benz Vans achieved outstanding results for its key KPIs: 54% lower CPL, +42% conversion rate and +18% CTR versus benchmark. In addition, their lead re-qualification rate stands out at +6% versus benchmark.

Furthermore, the results of the MMM have been very insightful and have given the brand visibility on how marketing activity translates into store visits, how it relates to investment and which media is most effective. To conduct this MMM, Annalect isolated the store visits generated by marketing activities from the visits that would have occurred anyway due to the brand's popularity.

The results showed that TikTok plays a crucial role, with the platform's contribution to store visits growing from 8% in 2023 to 38% in 2024, making it the media with the highest contribution, including both online and offline channels. This results in a really high efficiency for TikTok, which is X2 more efficient than paid social and X2.2 more efficient than digital as a whole.

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