TikTok ranked #1 in ad equity among media platforms globally by Kantar

05 September, 2024

Kantar's annual Media Reactions report highlights TikTok's innovative approach and ability to resonate with consumers.

Kantar Media Reactions Report 2024

TikTok now ranks as #1 in ad equity among all global media platforms, while continuing to reign as #1 in ad equity among all global video platforms for the fifth consecutive year, per Kantar's annual Media Reactions report, a global ad equity ranking of media channels and media brands. TikTok also remains the top innovative global media brand among marketers and has also been named the top choice platform where marketers plan to in increase their ad spend for 2025.

What is the report?

Media Reactions is a global ad equity ranking of media channels and media brands produced by Kantar, a badged TikTok Measurement Partner. Ad equity is a measure of consumer attitudes toward the ad experience on different media platforms. Higher ad equity indicates a positive consumer response to ads, driving more impactful campaign results for brands.

This year's Media Reactions report gives insight from over 18,000 consumers covering 384 brands in 27 markets and 1,000 senior marketer interviews globally.

TikTok ranks as #1 media platform in ad equity

TikTok stands out for its unique ability to engage and spark creativity among consumers, leading to ads that resonate more effectively compared to other platforms. This has been validated by audiences ranking the platform #1 in ad equity among media platforms. Category decision-makers agree, deeming TikTok #1 across categories such as food & beverage, beauty, personal care, household products, clothing & accessories, and more.

The combination of being consumers' preferred source of entertainment in advertising, and a top platform for advertisers in delivering attention, establishes TikTok as an industry leader for reaching audiences in exciting new ways.

TikTok ranks as #1 media platform in ad equity

Platforms like TikTok are thriving in today's media landscape, with ad receptivity to online video nearly doubling since 2012. In particular, receptivity towards skippable ads has evolved significantly. TikTok's skippable ad environment places control in the hands of the viewers, fostering high-quality engagement and reinforcing the platform's strength in capturing audience attention.

TikTok is the #1 platform for increase in ad spend for 2025

Also in the report, TikTok was ranked as the #1 platform for intended budget allocation, as over two-thirds of marketers plan to increase their ad spend on TikTok for 2025. This strategic shift speaks to TikTok's effectiveness as a full-funnel performance marketing platform that drives significant actions for brands, as recently highlighted in AdWeek.

Through its ability to entertain its expanding audience of consumers and drive impact for brands, TikTok has resonated with marketers as the prime pursuit for 2025. TikTok is the perfect place for brands to invest in audiences across the globe, no matter how niche or unique they may be.

#1 platform where marketers plan to increase ad spend in 2025

#1 platform in innovation

For the fifth year running, marketers have acknowledged TikTok's innovative approach to advertising, ranking it as the top media platform for innovation. TikTok's innovation score is almost two-thirds higher than any other brand. With our audiences in mind, TikTok continues its commitment to innovating a marketing ecosystem for brands and businesses to meet consumers where they are now and where they'll be in the future.

We're proud to once again be recognized by our community and partners on a global scale. We encourage all brands to join us as we connect with audiences through inspiration, joy and creativity.