Reklam politikası kaynakları
Web Veri Bağlantıları
Web Etkinlikleri ve Parametreleri
TikTok Web Ölçüm Araçları
TikTok Etkinlik Yöneticisi
Etkinlik Eşleştirme
TikTok Satın Alma Sonrası Anketleri
The diagnostics tab in Events Manager helps you identify and resolve issues with your data connection setup, such as missing parameter data. Fixing errors and implementing the recommended solutions can improve campaign performance and reporting.
To use web diagnostics:
Go to Events Manager.
Click Assets.
Click Manage Web Events.
Choose the Pixel or Events API connection you want to view.
Click the Diagnostics tab.
The Diagnostics tab will show any active issues with your current setup and suggest actions for you to take. Issues will appear in the tab within 24 hours and include the number of events and ads that are affected by the issue.
To resolve an issue, read the description and take the suggested actions to reduce negative impacts on your campaign performance.
Click Email details to send information about the issues to your team.
Click Dismiss if you no longer want to see the issue in the Diagnostics Tab. Note: If you dismiss without actioning the recommendation, your campaign performance will continue to be impacted