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İş Merkezi'ne genel bakış
Erişim ve İzinler
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Kurumsal İş Merkezi
TikTok Business Center is a central space to manage your business and advertising on TikTok. When you create your account, you'll be able to manage multiple ad accounts, add members, and collaborate efficiently with your team.
You'll need to create a TikTok for Business account.
To set up a new Business Center:
Sign in to your TikTok for Business account.
Click Enter Business Center.
In the Set account information section, provide your Business Center information.
In the Describe your business section, provide your company information.
In the Add billing information section, provide your billing information.
Click Create.
Note: Make sure all of your information is correct. Once you create your Business Center account, you won't be able to change your business information later.
Here's a video that shows how to create a Business Center.
Artık TikTok İş Merkezi hesabınızı oluşturduğunuza göre, birden fazla reklam hesabını görüntüleyebilecek, kullanıcı ve ekip ekleyebilecek ve TikTok'ta reklamlar oluşturabileceksiniz.