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TikTok Reklam Yöneticisi ile MMP'ler arasındaki raporlama tutarsızlıkları hakkında

Son güncelleme: Şubat 2025

App conversion reporting discrepancies between TikTok Ads Manager and Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) are common and expected because different tools define and calculate conversions differently.

Common causes of discrepancies

  • Attribution methodology differences: TikTok self-attributes conversions if the ad interaction, such as click and impression, happens within the lookback window set on the platform. MMPs mostly use last-click attribution and conversion data is deduplicated across networks.

  • Timezone differences: There might be time zone differences in reporting. TikTok's timezone (displayed next to the date range) can't be adjusted because it's configured when you create the ad account.

  • Lookback window differences: The conversion lookback window might be set differently between TikTok Ads Manager and MMP. By default, TikTok tracks first open or install conversions within 7 days of ad click or 1 day of ad view and in-app conversions within 90 days of the install/app open. Most MMPs provide configurable 1-30 days of click-through and 1-48 hours of view-through lookback windows.

  • Conversion reporting timing differences: TikTok Ads Manager reports conversions by the day of the ad interaction (for example: click, impression) whereas MMPs may report conversions based on the day of the conversion event. Enable the Real-time columns through the Custom Columns option in the Ads Manager dashboard to view the data based on event occurrence.

Sonraki adımlar

MMP'lerde dönüşümle ilgili raporlama tutarsızlıkları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin:

*Bilgi faydalı oldu mu?
İlgili Makaleler
TikTok for Business'ın MMP'lerle maliyet entegrasyonu
Mobil Ölçüm İş Ortağı İzleme Hakkında
TikTok ve mobil ölçüm iş ortağı raporlaması arasındaki farklar hakkında