Sumber Informasi Kebijakan Iklan
Cara Membuat Grup Iklan
Gambaran Penempatan
Penargetan Iklan
Audiens Serupa
Bidding dan Pengoptimalan
Kesesuaian dan Keamanan Brand
Tipe Penayangan
Custom Audience Enhancement adds a small number of TikTok-recommended users who are similar to your original audience to improve campaign performance. Follow the steps to set up a Custom Audience Enhancement campaign by creating a new audience or enhancing an existing one.
To create a new audience with audience enhancement:
Open TikTok Ads Manager and go to the Tools section.
Click on Create Audience.
Fill in the necessary details for your new custom audience.
Turn the Audience Enhancement toggle to ON.
To update a current audience with audience enhancement:
Open TikTok Ads Manager and go to the Tools section.
Locate the audience you wish to enhance.
Click on Enhance Audience to apply this feature to your selected audience.
These steps will help you effectively set up a Custom Audience Enhancement campaign in TikTok Ads Manager.