Product Shopping Ads tersedia untuk semua seller TikTok Shop di Amerika Serikat, Filipina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, Vietnam, dan Inggris Raya.
With Product Shopping Ads, you can create ads that use use product images and information from your products' Product Details Page and show these product images to users in Shopping Center and Search. When someone sees your ad in the TikTok feed, Shopping Center or search, they can click your ad to view a Product Details Page and decide to buy your product.
Reach more new and current customers through Shopping Center and search with ads that are more likely to encourage them to buy your products.
Simplify your ad creation by using images and information from your products' Product Details Page.
Take advantage of optimization settings that will automatically determine the best placements and audience settings for your products, including Shopping Center Recommendations and search keywords.
Optimize your ad campaign for goals like Gross Revenue and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
Watch your campaigns grow and learn about what works best for your current and new customers.
Ketika Anda membuat kampanye Product Shopping Ads, kampanye Anda akan otomatis menyarankan pengaturan audiens terbaik dan mengoptimalkan penempatan iklan di bagian rekomendasi dan pencarian Shopping Center. Kampanye Anda juga akan terus mengidentifikasi kata kunci pencarian yang efektif berdasarkan perilaku pencarian seperti minat pengguna, relevansi produk, dan riwayat kinerja.
Catatan: Di feed TikTok, Product Shopping Ads akan ditampilkan dalam format karosel dan kini format tersebut dapat digunakan di Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, Vietnam, dan Amerika Serikat.
Pelajari cara membuat Product Shopping Ads di TikTok Ads Manager.