Product sales

How to use Product Shopping Ads

Last updated: July 2024

Step 1. Create a new campaign

  1. Go to TikTok Ads Manager and start a new Campaign.

  2. From the Campaign creation page, select Product Sales as the objective.

  3. Select TikTok Shop as the Product Source, then complete the campaign settings.

Step 2. Set up an ad group

  1. Choose Product Shopping Ads as ad type.

  2. Product Shopping Ads feature automatically surfaces ads in the following placements:

    1. Shopping Center

    2. Search

  3. For Targeting, ensure that your Age selection is set to 18+. For search placements, the system will dynamically determine relevant search keywords.

  4. The following full-funnel optimization goal options are available:

    1. Gross revenue

    2. Purchases

    3. Clicks

  5. The following bidding options are available:

    1. Highest Gross revenue / lowest cost

    2. Set minimum ROAS / cost cap

  6. Complete the rest of the Ad Group settings, then click Next.

Step 3. Create your Ads

Product selection options:

  1. All products mean that the system will automatically choose the most relevant product(s) from the shop to advertise to TikTok users.

  2. Specific products mean that the system will choose from within the list of product(s) that the advertiser manually selected (1-50), to advertise to TikTok users.

  3. Click Submit.


  • After ad delivery starts, any product that goes out of stock will automatically stop being advertised and will automatically resume advertising once back in stock.

  • Ads automatically use the latest PDP image and information, managed by TikTok Shop in the Seller Center.

  • Each Ad Group can only contain one Ad. To create multiple Ads, please create more Ad Groups.

Read reporting & optimize

  1. See reporting overview and breakdown by campaign.

    1. Metrics available:

      • Total cost

      • Product page views (Shop)

      • Adds to cart (Shop)

      • Checkouts initiated (Shop)

      • Purchases (Shop)

      • Gross revenue (Shop)

      • ROAS (Shop)

      • Impressions

      • Clicks

      • CPM

      • CPC

      • Cost per purchase (Shop)

      • CTR

      • Purchase rate (Shop)

      • Average order value (Shop)

  2. Edit ad group if needed.