Português (Brasil)
Criar um anúncio

Melhorias interativas

  1. Formatos de anúncios /
  2. Melhorias interativas /
  3. Complementos interativos /

Como remover complementos interativos de seus anúncios

Última atualização: fevereiro de 2025

If you do not wish to use a certain Interactive-Add on, you can remove it at the ad (creative) level.


The ability to remove Interactive Add-ons is not available for every option.

  • You can delete Dowload Card and Shake Surprise.

  • You cannot Display Card, Countdown Sticker, Gift Code Sticker, Pop-out Showcase and Gesture, and Carousel.

  • Voting Sticker is only available for a certain amount of time.


To remove an Interactive Add-on from your ad campaign:

  1. Locate the ad campaign containing the Interactive Add-on you wish to remove.

  2. Select the ad containing the Interactive Add-on you wish to remove.

  3. Click to edit the ad.

  4. Select the Interactive Add-on you wish to remove. Note: You can only delete Download Card or Shake Surprise Interactive Add-On.

  5. Click Delete to remove it from the campaign.


*A informação foi útil?
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