
About TikTok App Center

Last updated: October 2024

TikTok App Center provides access to a wide variety of applications that have been created by third-party developers to address and solve specific advertiser needs within the campaign creation flow. These apps are directly integrated into the TikTok advertising experience, having been developed using the TikTok for Business Developer App within our Developer Portal.


For advertisers: You can use these apps to create and manage your ads individually or at scale. Many of the solutions offered by these apps are similar to those you'd find in TikTok Ads Manager or Creative Center. However, they are built by third-parties and thus may be able to offer unique, tailored solutions to your marketing problems. See below for examples of apps you can install and use.

For developers: You can add your app to TikTok App Center to gain visibility and offer your product as a solution for advertiser needs. See below for examples of apps you can create and make available for use.


Some examples of the app categories that are available through App Center include:

  • Business Account Management: Manage your TikTok accounts, posts, videos comments, etc.

  • Campaign Management: Create and manage advertising campaigns on TikTok Ads Manager.

  • Reporting: Analyze data from your TikTok ad campaigns or your organic presence on the app.

  • Lead Generation: Connect with CRM platforms or manage leads generated through TikTok.

  • Events: Integrate with signals and measurement platforms or push events to TikTok.

  • Creative: Generate video assets for ads or TikTok posts.

  • e-Commerce: Connect with eCommerce platforms or manage commerce operations.